1 unstable release

0.1.0 Aug 1, 2023

#7 in #ass

28 downloads per month
Used in asai

MIT license

63 lines


A rust library for parsing .ass files, which are used for storing subtitles in the Advanced SubStation Alpha format.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

asai = "0.1"


If you want to simply parse ass, you can use parse_str from asai's root:

use asai::structure::Ass;

fn main() {
    let data = "...";
    let ass = asai::parse_str(data);
    println!("{:?}", ass.styles); // Get styles
    println!("{:?}", ass.info); // Get info
    println!("{:?}", ass.events); // Get events

Another approach is to use custom structure to represent ass. It allows us to set defaults and parse only required fields. There is an example:

use asai_macro::FromLine;
use asai::structure::event::EventKey;
use asai::structure::Ass;

#[derive(FromLine, Debug)]
struct MyEvent<'a> {
    text: &'a str,
    #[default("Some default value")]
    custom_field: &'a str

fn main() {
    let data = "...";
    let my_events: FormattedSection<EventKey, MyEvent> = Ass::parse_section("Events", data).unwrap();


~18K SLoC