Cargo Features

arti-relay = { version = "0.22.0", default-features = false, features = ["full", "async-std", "rustls", "tokio"] }
default = rustls, tokio

Relay doesn't support native-tls at the moment.

full = async-std, rustls, tokio

Enables full of fs-mistrust, tor-chanmgr, tor-config, tor-keymgr, tor-netdir, tor-netdoc, tor-proto, and tor-rtcompat

async-std full?

Enables async-std of tor-rtcompat

rustls default full?

Enables rustls of tor-rtcompat


This is not nonadditive from a software POV, but we mark it as such because it includes code licensed under the old OpenSSL license (which was 4-clause BSD),
which in turn introduces a GPL-incompatibility.

tokio default full?

Enables tokio of tor-proto and tor-rtcompat