2 releases

0.1.1 Jun 15, 2024
0.1.0 Jun 10, 2024

#613 in Parser implementations

Download history 184/week @ 2024-06-07 220/week @ 2024-06-14 60/week @ 2024-06-21

464 downloads per month

MIT license



Parses ARM build attributes from ELF files according to the 2023Q3 ARM ABI.



The two examples below show two different methods to read build attributes: iterator (lazy and fast) and struct (eager and slow but correct).

By iterator

This first example reads the tags directly. It's faster, but:

  • It doesn't consider that one type of tag may appear multiple times.
  • It doesn't handle enclosing scopes, i.e. section or symbol-specific attributes.
  • If a tag could not be parsed, the iterator will stop with no error.
use arm_attr::{read::Endian, tag::Tag, BuildAttrs};

let data = [/* byte contents of .ARM.attributes */];
let build_attrs = BuildAttrs::new(&data, Endian::Little).unwrap();
for subsection in build_attrs.subsections() {
    let subsection = subsection.unwrap();
    if subsection.is_aeabi() {
        for (_, tag) in subsection.into_public_tag_iter().unwrap() {
            match tag {
                Tag::CpuName(name) => println!("CPU name: {name}"),
                _ => {}

By struct

This second example collects all tags using into_public_attributes. It's slower but doesn't suffer from the flaws mentioned in the first example.

let data = [/* byte contents of .ARM.attributes */];
let build_attrs = BuildAttrs::new(&data, Endian::Little).unwrap();
for subsection in build_attrs.subsections() {
    let subsection = subsection.unwrap();
    if subsection.is_aeabi() {
        let file = subsection.into_public_attributes().unwrap();
        if let Some(name) = file.attributes.cpu_name {
            println!("CPU name: {name}");
        for (sections, section) in file.sections {
            if let Some(name) = section.attributes.cpu_name {
                println!("CPU name in sections {sections:?}: {name}");
            for (symbols, symbol) in section.symbols {
                if let Some(name) = symbol.attributes.cpu_name {
                    println!("CPU name in symbols {symbols:?} of sections {sections:?}: {name}");


~18K SLoC