#serialization #read #friendly #faster #arkworks #format #zkey

bin+lib ark-zkey

Library to read zkey faster by serializing to arkworks friendly format

2 releases

0.1.1 Jul 2, 2024
0.1.0 May 17, 2024

#1995 in Parser implementations

Download history 145/week @ 2024-05-16 14/week @ 2024-05-23 5/week @ 2024-05-30 31/week @ 2024-06-06 35/week @ 2024-06-13 11/week @ 2024-06-20 141/week @ 2024-06-27 55/week @ 2024-07-04 25/week @ 2024-07-11 10/week @ 2024-07-18 22/week @ 2024-07-25 23/week @ 2024-08-01 19/week @ 2024-08-08 18/week @ 2024-08-15 18/week @ 2024-08-22 15/week @ 2024-08-29

73 downloads per month
Used in rln


243 lines



Library to read zkey faster by serializing to arkworks friendly format.

See https://github.com/zkmopro/mopro/issues/25 for context.

How to use

Run the following to convert a zkey to an arkzkey. This should be done as a pre-processing step.

cargo run --bin arkzkey-util --release -- ./test-vectors/keccak256_256_test_final.zkey

This will generate and place an arkzkey file in the same directory as the original zkey.

You can also install it locally:

cargo install --bin arkzkey-util --path .


cargo test multiplier2 --release -- --nocapture
cargo test keccak256 --release -- --nocapture
cargo test rsa --release -- --nocapture

Benchmark (Keccak)

cargo test keccak256 --release -- --nocapture

running 1 test
Reading zkey from: ./test-vectors/keccak256_256_test_final.zkey
Time to read zkey: 101.761584ms
Serializing proving key and constraint matrices
Time to serialize proving key and constraint matrices: 42ns
[build] Writing arkzkey to: ./test-vectors/keccak256_256_test_final.arkzkey
[build] Time to write arkzkey: 9.048011125s
Reading arkzkey from: ./test-vectors/keccak256_256_test_final.arkzkey
Time to open arkzkey file: 40.875µs
Time to mmap arkzkey: 14.541µs
Time to deserialize proving key: 9.050112917s
Time to deserialize matrices: 26.763958ms
Time to read arkzkey: 9.077114958s
test tests::test_keccak256_serialization_deserialization ... ok
circuits zkey ark-zkey
multiplier 3 KB 1KB
keccak256 81.1 MB 49.5 MB
rsa 134.9 MB 97.8 MB


~496K SLoC