3 stable releases

Uses old Rust 2015

2.0.1 Apr 29, 2017
1.0.0 Apr 28, 2017

#1082 in Command-line interface


144 lines

arg_input License crates.io

Inspired by Ruby's ARGF. Library functions to treat input files/stdin as if they were all a big stream.


Inspired by Ruby's ARGF. Treat files and stdin as if they were a big long concatenated stream.

argf() will pull input from your command line arguments, no frills, no questions asked, and argf_lines() will give you an iterator over all lines of command line input.

argf() and argf_lines() assume that the command line arguments contain only file arguments. If you need a little more control (for example, you're using docopt to parse command line arguments instead), use input() or input_lines()

No runtime deps