Cargo Features

ArcShift has no features set by default.

arcshift = { version = "0.1.9", features = ["validate", "debug", "disable_slow_tests", "nightly", "shuttle", "loom"] }

Feature to enable extra validation, at a memory and performance cost.
Only intended for internal use, for verification.


Feature to enable extra debug output on stdout.
Only intended for internal use, for verification and troubleshooting.


Feature which disables the slowest tests


Feature for internal use, for testing using the 'shuttle' framework
Enables use of some compiler features which are not yet available on stable.
Doesn't actually change the function, but is more forward compatible, and more guaranteed to work on future compilers.

Features from optional dependencies

shuttle implicit feature

Enables shuttle

Feature only intended for development

loom loom implicit feature

Enables loom


Permutation testing for concurrent code