#build-script #android #build #cargo-build #java #robius #java-class

build android-build

A build-time dependency to compile Java source files for Android as part of a Rust build. Use this from your build.rs Cargo build script

1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 22, 2024

#182 in Build Utils

Download history 128/week @ 2024-05-20 9/week @ 2024-05-27 16/week @ 2024-06-03

153 downloads per month
Used in robius-authentication

MIT license

516 lines


Latest Version Docs Project Robius Matrix Chat

Use this crate from your Cargo build.rs build script to compile Java source files and to run Java/Android commands as part of a Rust build, specifically designed for Android-targeted builds and Android tools.

This crate aims to behave similarly to cc-rs, but for Java (primarily on Android) instead of C/C++.

This crate is part of Project Robius and is primarily used by those crates.


Add this crate as a build dependency to your Cargo.toml:

android-build = "0.1.0"

Then add this to your build.rs build script:

fn main() {
    let target_os = std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS").unwrap();
    if target_os == "android" {
        let output_dir = std::env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
        let android_jar_path = android_build::android_jar(None)
            .expect("Failed to find android.jar");

            .expect("java build failed!");

        // `YourJavaFile.class` will be the Cargo-specified OUT_DIR.

The above code will automatically run when you build your crate using cargo build.

Configuration via environment variables

The crate-level documentation provides a detailed list of environment variables that can be set to configure this crate.


Check out the robius-authentication build script to see how we use this crate for more complicated build procedures:

  • Discovering specific Android jarfiles and SDK directories (platforms, build tools, etc).
  • Compiling Java classes against the main android.jar jarfile.
  • Invoking Android's d8 DEXer tool.


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