#alignment #byte #aligned #align #simd

yanked align-rs

Utilities for alignment guarantees for data

0.0.1 May 17, 2022

#21 in #aligned

MIT license

695 lines

align – strongly typed memory alignment guarantees


Some bytes just need to be aligned. Want to process bytes in batches of $8$ by interpreting them as u64? They must be $8$-byte aligned. Want to run SIMD operations on your bytes? You need to use special unaligned instructions and risk performance, or align them with target's requirements. Maybe your high-performance algorithm requires page alignment?

Validating that something is aligned is hard. align solves this problem by introducing strongly typed alignment types. To have your bytes aligned to a page boundary on the target architecture, all you need to do is:

use align::{alignment, AlignedBytes};

let bytes: [u8; 8] = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ];
let aligned: AlignedBytes<alignment::Page> = bytes.into();

That's it. AlignedBytes<A> owns the bytes. By taking a reference you get &AlignedSlice<A>, which is basically the same as &[u8], only that its alignment is guaranteed by the type.


Note that this crate is under active development. It contains the MVP of being able to talk about page-alignment and SIMD-block-alignment on x86_64.


This crate needs to use unsafe code due to the low-level pointer-twiddling nature of the domain. Two places where unsafe is required are:

  • creating the AlignedBytes, as it requires explicitly working with the allocator to get properly aligned bytes;
  • converting between AlignedSlice and regular byte slices, which relies on repr(transparent) of the former to be mem::transmute-able into the latter.
  • working internally on AlignedBlock to maintain the type's invariants.

Reviews via cargo-crev are appreciated.


Dependencies graph generated by cargo-deps:

 dependencies graph

Or as the output of cargo tree:

align v0.1.0
├── cfg-if v1.0.0
├── lazy_static v1.4.0
└── page_size v0.4.2
    └── libc v0.2.125


  • cfg-if – used to configure conditional compilation in a more readable manner, especially determining SIMD block size. It's lightweight and contains no unsafe code.
  • lazy_static – used to lazily validate and cache the page size.
  • page_size – used to get the page size for alignment::Page.


  • cargo-hack – used for more robust testing by compiling and running the code for the feature powerset.


It is recommended to always use cargo-crev to verify the trustworthiness of each of your dependencies, including this one. Reviews are appreciated.

To add me to your WoT trust my crev-proof repo:

cargo crev trust id https://github.com/V0ldek/crev-proofs

