Cargo Features

aho-corasick-unsafe = { version = "0.0.4", default-features = false, features = ["std", "perf-literal", "logging", "serde"] }
default = perf-literal, std

These default features are set whenever aho-corasick-unsafe is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default serde?

Enables std of optional memchr


The 'std' feature permits the memchr crate to use the standard library. This permits this crate to use runtime CPU feature detection to automatically accelerate searching via vector instructions. Without the standard library,
this automatic detection is not possible.

Affects ahocorasick::StreamFindIter, automaton::Automaton.try_stream_find_iter, automaton::Automaton.try_stream_replace_all, automaton::Automaton.try_stream_replace_all_with, automaton::StreamFindIter

perf-literal default

Enables prefilter optimizations that depend on external crates.

Enables memchr


Enable logging via the 'log' crate. This is useful for seeing messages about internal decisions and metrics. For example, how the choice of the internal Aho-Corasick implementation is used or the heap usage of an automaton.

Enables log

serde = std

Enables serde

Affects ahocorasick::AhoCorasickKind