Cargo Features

Agnostic has no features set by default.

agnostic = { version = "0.3.6", features = ["dns", "dns-over-quic", "dns-over-h3", "dns-over-https-rustls", "dns-over-rustls", "dns-over-openssl", "dns-over-native-tls", "dns-webpki-roots", "dns-native-certs", "dnssec-openssl", "dnssec-ring", "dnssec", "quinn", "net", "io", "tokio-compat", "tokio", "async-std", "smol", "tracing", "async-channel"] }
dns dns-native-certs? dns-over-h3? dns-over-https-rustls? dns-over-native-tls? dns-over-openssl? dns-over-quic? dns-over-rustls? dns-webpki-roots? dnssec? dnssec-openssl? = hickory-proto, hickory-resolver, net, resolv-conf, thiserror

Affects net::dns

dns-over-quic = dns, dns-over-rustls

Enables dns-over-quic of hickory-proto and hickory-resolver

dns-over-h3 = dns, dns-over-rustls

Enables dns-over-h3 of hickory-proto and hickory-resolver

dns-over-https-rustls = dns, dns-over-rustls

Enables dns-over-https-rustls of hickory-proto and hickory-resolver


This requires some TLS library, currently only rustls is supported

dns-over-rustls dns-over-h3? dns-over-https-rustls? dns-over-quic? = dns

Enables dns-over-rustls of hickory-proto and hickory-resolver

dns-over-openssl = dns

Enables dns-over-openssl of hickory-proto and hickory-resolver


DNS over TLS with OpenSSL currently needs a good way to set default CAs, use rustls or native-tls

dns-over-native-tls = dns

Enables dns-over-native-tls of hickory-proto and hickory-resolver

dns-webpki-roots = dns

Enables webpki-roots of hickory-proto and hickory-resolver

dns-native-certs = dns

Enables native-certs of hickory-proto and hickory-resolver

dnssec-openssl = dns

Enables dnssec-openssl of hickory-proto and hickory-resolver

dnssec-ring = dnssec

Enables dnssec-ring of hickory-proto and hickory-resolver

dnssec dnssec-ring? = dns

Enables dnssec of hickory-proto and hickory-resolver

quinn = net, quinn-udp

Enables log, native-certs and tls-rustls of quinn ^0.10

net dns? quinn? = io, socket2

Enables optional feature-extension-for-async-std, io-std, io-util and net of optional tokio

Affects async_std::net, agnostic::net, net::ToSocketAddrs, net::Net, smol::net, tokio::net

io net?

Enables io of futures-util

Affects agnostic::io

tokio-compat tokio?

This feature must be used with net feature
by enable this feature, TcpStream will implement
both futures::AsyncRead/AsyncWrite and tokio::io::AsyncRead/AsyncWrite.
But if you are using tokio, this feature can be ignored.

Enables tokio and tokio-util

Affects net::IO, net::IORead, net::IOWrite

tokio = pin-project-lite, tokio-compat, tokio-stream

Enables tokio of agnostic-lite, macros, rt, sync and time of tokio, runtime-tokio of optional quinn ^0.10

Affects agnostic::tokio

async-std = async-io, pin-project-lite

Enables feature-extension-for-async-std, async-std of agnostic-lite, runtime-async-std of optional quinn ^0.10

Affects agnostic::async_std

smol = async-io, pin-project-lite

Enables feature-extension-for-smol, smol of agnostic-lite

Affects agnostic::smol


Enables tracing

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

tokio-stream tokio?
tokio-util tokio-compat?
async-io async-std? smol?
pin-project-lite async-std? smol? tokio?
async-channel implicit feature

Enables async-channel


Async multi-producer multi-consumer channel

hickory-proto dns? dns-native-certs? dns-over-h3? dns-over-https-rustls? dns-over-native-tls? dns-over-openssl? dns-over-quic? dns-over-rustls? dns-webpki-roots? dnssec? dnssec-openssl? dnssec-ring?
resolv-conf dns?
thiserror dns?
quinn-udp quinn?

Enables quinn-udp ^0.4

socket2 win unix net?
hickory-resolver wasm win unix dns? dns-native-certs? dns-over-h3? dns-over-https-rustls? dns-over-native-tls? dns-over-openssl? dns-over-quic? dns-over-rustls? dns-webpki-roots? dnssec? dnssec-openssl? dnssec-ring?