#lsp #helix #develop

app adn

🧬 The easy way to install LSP in Helix

9 releases

0.1.9 Jun 24, 2024
0.1.8 Jun 24, 2024

#181 in Development tools

Download history 445/week @ 2024-06-13 437/week @ 2024-06-20 43/week @ 2024-06-27 7/week @ 2024-07-04 19/week @ 2024-07-25 10/week @ 2024-08-01

346 downloads per month

MIT license

433 lines

Facilitate the installation of LSPs in Helix editor.


[!WARNING] This project seeks the contribution of more people in order to have a lot of support for different languages with working configurations.


It is very simple, you just need to have cargo installed on your computer.

cargo install adn

[!WARNING] Make sure you have ~/.cargo/bin in your PATH to be able to use the adn command.

How to use

Arg Description
ACTION In this part we will put the action that we want to do i to install or (r to remove WIP)
LANGUAGE Here we will put the name of the language we want the LSP to be installed in.

[!NOTE] If the path does not end in langugages.toml it will throw an error.


You can run the command from helix using :run-command-shell or if you prefer in your trusted terminal.

adn i rust


Flag Descriptión
-c --config To set the languages.toml path.
-n --npm-folder To ser the node_modules/ path.


  • Rust
  • Go
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • JSX
  • TSX
  • JSON


  • Ability to uninstall LSP from languages


~56K SLoC