Cargo Features

adf_bdd = { version = "0.3.1", default-features = false, features = ["adhoccounting", "importexport", "variablelist", "HashSet", "adhoccountmodels", "benchmark", "frontend"] }
default = adhoccounting, frontend, variablelist

These default features are set whenever adf_bdd is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

adhoccounting default adhoccountmodels? benchmark?

count paths ad-hoc - disable if counting is not needed

variablelist default benchmark? = HashSet
HashSet variablelist
adhoccountmodels = adhoccounting

count models as well as paths ad-hoc note that facet methods will need this feature too

benchmark = adhoccounting, variablelist

set of features for speed benchmarks

frontend default

Affects obdd::frontend