#cli-tool #contributors #md #cargo #analyze #produce #major

app acknowledgements-rs

acknowledge is a simple CLI tool to analyze dependencies of a Cargo (rust) project and produce an ACKNOWLEDMENTS.md file listing (major) contributors of your dependencies

5 releases (2 stable)

1.0.1 Jun 24, 2024
1.0.0 Jun 22, 2024
0.1.2 Jun 22, 2024
0.1.1 Jun 22, 2024
0.1.0 Jun 20, 2024

#873 in Development tools


637 lines


acknowledge is a CLI tool for generating list of acknowledgements based on your Cargo.toml file.

It works with github and gitlab APIs. Only public repos are supported.


cargo install acknowledgements-rs


acknowledge is a simple CLI tool to analyze dependencies of a Cargo (rust) project and produce an ACKNOWLEDMENTS.md file listing (major) contributors of your dependencies

Usage: acknowledge [OPTIONS] --path <PATH> [COMMAND]

  clear-cache  Clears cache
  help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -p, --path <PATH>
          Path to Cargo project for analysis
  -g, --gh-token <GH_TOKEN>
          Running Acknowledgements on any project of reasonable size you're likely to face rate limits. Please provide a personal access token
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>
          Output file path, defaults to project path if not provided
  -m, --mention
          Whether to include @ (at) symbol in front of a github user's name
  -f, --format <FORMAT>
          Format of the output file [default: NameAndCount]
  -b, --breadth <BREADTH>
          Breadth of scan, whether to include optional, build and dev deps contributors [default: NonOpt]
  -c, --contributions-threshold <CONTRIBUTIONS_THRESHOLD>
          Min number of contributions to be included in the list, doesn't apply to sole contributors [default: 2]
  -s, --sources <SOURCES>
          List other sources, not specified in Cargo.toml
  -t, --template <TEMPLATE>
          Use your own template. See https://github.com/anvlkv/acknowledgements/blob/main/src/template.md?plain=1 for reference
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version


Github access token

Be sure to provide one if you're waiting for limit reset for too long or too often. No permissions are needed for this token.


Links any repos not discoverable via Cargo.toml


  • NonOpt - Non-optional dependencies
  • All - All dependencies
  • BuildAndDev - All dependencies including [build-dependencies] and [dev-dependencies]


  • NameAndCount - Name of the contributor and count of contributions
  • DepAndNames - Name of the dependency, names of contributors
  • NameAndDeps - Name of the contributor, names of dependencies where they contributed



~893K SLoC