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  1. opencv

    Rust bindings for OpenCV

    v0.91.2 39K #vision #bindings #env-var #version #module #branch #api
  2. oxyroot

    attempt to make library reading and writing of .root binary files which are commonly used in particle physics

    v0.1.24 1.3K #root #tree-root #reading #particle #physics #binary #branch
  3. build-data

    Include build data in your program: date, rustc version, git commit & branch, etc

    v0.2.1 19K #env-variables #build #branch #commit #data #info #date-time
  4. cmov

    Conditional move CPU intrinsics which are guaranteed to execute in constant-time and not be rewritten as branches by the compiler. Provides wrappers for the CMOV family of instructions on x86/x86_64 and CSEL on AArch64

    v0.3.1 420 #intrinsics #constant-time #conditional #cpu #move #instructions #branch
  5. breezyshim

    Rust shim around the Breezy Python API

    v0.1.89 4.4K #api #breezy #python #shim #access #porting #branch
  6. gbranch

    Tools to make 'git branch' and 'git checkout' useful

    v0.1.0 #git-branch #git-checkout #cli #switch #remove
  7. Try searching with DuckDuckGo or on crates.io.