1. aster-proxy

    A light, fast and powerful cache proxy written in Rust

    v1.3.4 #cache #redis #memcache #twemproxy
  2. aster

    A libsyntax ast builder

    v0.41.0 5.2K #builder #ast #libsyntax #maintained #longer #syntex
  3. Try searching with DuckDuckGo or on crates.io.

  4. cargo-osdk

    Accelerate OS development with Asterinas OSDK

    v0.1.5 #operating-system #command-line-tool #architecture #osdk #management #cargo #projects
  5. libaster

    A light, fast and powerful cache proxy written in Rust

    v1.2.1 220 #cache #redis #memcache #twemproxy
  6. synom

    Stripped-down Nom parser used by Syn

    v0.11.3 112K #proc-macro #parser #syn #compile-time #source #syntex #intended
  7. clia-rcproxy

    A lightweight, fast and powerful Redis Cluster Proxy written in Rust

    v2.2.1 #redis-cluster #redis #cluster #proxy
  8. twirs

    Rust port of the Python astrometric plate solving package twirl

    v1.0.0 #astrometry #package #solving #port #transformation #source #catalog
  9. yaksay

    Cowsay enhanced

    v1.5.8 280 #cowsay #sentence #message #ascii #style #display #yak
  10. analiticcl

    approximate string matching or fuzzy-matching system that can be used to find variants for spelling correction or text normalisation

    v0.4.5 #spelling-correction #string-matching #nlp #linguistics #language-model #spellcheck #edit-distance
  11. vpp

    Valkyie Package Portal

    v0.0.1 270 #package #default #workspace #path #directory #version #documentation