1 unstable release

0.1.0 Nov 24, 2020

#5 in #argument-parsing

Custom license

129 lines


Argue is a cli argument parser similar to clap, its just a for fun project, not serious for the moment.


use args::{app, Argument, ArgumentType};

/// HOW TO:
/// Execute the program this way cargo r --example example0 -- -j 12
/// Also you can try --help, -h, -v, --version that are enabled by default
fn main() {
    // The arguments must be set separeted from the passing to the `arguments`
    // function
    let arguments = &[
            // The false is to say than the argument is not mandatory
            &["-j", "-jthreads"], 
            "Set the number of threads"
    // Ez to understand i think, pretty close to clap
    let arg_parser = app("Example0")
        .description("An example of the arg parser")
    // Get an argument equaled, also work even if -jthreads is passed through
    // the cli
    let n = arg_parser.get("-j").unwrap();
    println!("Number of cores: {}", n);


Everythins is accepted, just document properly what you do

No runtime deps