
  1. constant_time_eq

    Compares two equal-sized byte strings in constant time

    v0.3.0 3.0M #constant-time #byte-string #compare #linux-kernel #apache #universal #equal-sized
  2. pulsar

    Rust client for Apache Pulsar

    v6.3.0 21K #client #api-client #consumer #apache #api #tls-connection #topic
  3. aws-sdk-mwaa

    AWS SDK for AmazonMWAA

    v1.31.0 750 #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #environment #mwaa #apache #airflow
  4. apache_age

    Rust driver for the Apache AGE. Based on postgres package

    v0.6.1 1.0K #postgresql #age #graph #apache #driver #back-end #package
  5. puroro

    Google Protocol Buffer

    v0.14.0 #protocols #buffer #google #compiler #licensed #apache #officially
  6. rphonetic

    Rust port of phonetic Apache commons-codec algorithms

    v2.2.0 150 #phonetic #algorithm #soundex #metaphone #apache #port #caverphone
  7. skywalking

    Apache SkyWalking Rust Agent

    v0.8.0 200 #spans #distributed-tracing #observability #agent #apache #metrics #tracer
  8. spark-connect-core

    Apache Spark Connect Client for Rust

    v0.0.1-beta.4 160 #spark #connect #spark-connect #apache #client #dataframe #column
  9. latte-cli

    A database benchmarking tool for Apache Cassandra

    v0.25.0 #cassandra #workload #benchmarking #performance #apache #database #error
  10. geckodriver

    Proxy for using WebDriver clients to interact with Gecko-based browsers

    v0.34.0 700 #web-driver #firefox #w3c #mozilla #apache #http-api #webdriver
  11. spark-connect-rs

    Apache Spark Connect Client for Rust

    v0.0.1-beta.4 150 #spark #connect #spark-connect #client #apache
  12. databend-thrift

    Rust bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system

    v0.17.0 6.7K #thrift #protocols #rpc #error #apache #transport #module
  13. apr

    Rust bindings for Apache Portable Runtime

    v0.1.10 470 #interface #bindings #run-time #apache #portable
  14. iceberg

    Apache Iceberg Rust implementation

    v0.2.0 #iceberg #table #apache
  15. polars-parquet

    Apache Parquet I/O operations for Polars

    v0.40.0 50K #parquet #polars #io #dataframe #apache #arrow #operation
  16. konsumer_offsets

    parse the content of the Kafka __consumer_offsets internal topic

    v0.3.2 #apache-kafka #kafka #parser #apache #consumer-offsets #thread-safe #send-sync
  17. amcl

    The Apache Milagro Cryptographic Library (version 3)

    v0.2.0 2.6K #elliptic-curve #apache #version #milagro #rsa #ed25519 #algorithm
  18. tantivy-bitpacker

    Tantivy-sub crate: bitpacking

    v0.6.0 182K #full-text-search #bitpacking #tantivy #search-engine #lucene #apache
  19. apache-rs

    Rust FFI for creating Apache httpd modules

    v0.0.4 #apache #module #html
  20. nektar

    A fast, lightweight CLI for Hive Metastore

    v0.0.5 120 #hive #metastore #engine #command-line-interface #table #apache #processing
  21. horaedbproto

    Protobuf specs for Apache HoraeDB™

    v2.0.0 1.6K #protobuf #time-series-database #apache #horae-db #buffer #protocols #cloud-native
  22. parquet-format

    Apache Parquet Format - thrift definition and generated Rust file

    v4.0.0 40K #parquet #hadoop #file-format #thrift #apache #generated #version
  23. passivized_htpasswd

    Generate htpasswd files

    v0.0.6 #htpasswd #bcrypt #apache #generate #passwords #error #passivized
  24. rzbackup


    v3.4.0-alpha0 #backup #index #bundle #z-backup #apache #clone #unique
  25. driftwood

    a log on the tide

    v0.0.7 #log-format #logger #tide #apache #combined
  26. forgejo-api

    Interface to Forgejo's Web API

    v0.3.0 230 #web-api #forgejo #version #licensed #apache #option #interface
  27. tsfile-writer

    TsFile writer in rust with a sync sender to import tsfiles to Apache IoTDB instances

    v0.2.1 #writer #apache #sync #ts-file #instance #sender #io-tdb
  28. icelake

    Pure Rust Iceberg Implementation

    v0.0.10 7.7K #table #iceberg #data #format #reading #apache #pure
  29. iceberg-rust

    Apache Iceberg

    v0.3.0 #iceberg #table #metadata #apache #catalog #low-level #interface
  30. pinot-client-rust

    query Apache Pinot

    v1.0.0 #sql-query #pinot #apache #query-response #client #connection #database
  31. benchrs

    Apache Benchmark style http bench tool written in async rust

    v0.1.10 #async-http #benchmark #apache #bench #style #tool #numbers
  32. ignite-rs

    Apache Ignite thin client

    v0.1.1 750 #client #ignite #apache #thin #cache #tls #protocols
  33. shuttle-opendal

    Plugin to obtain a client connected to Apache OpenDAL

    v0.45.0 160 #opendal #data-access #shuttle-service #storage-service #apache #plugin #client
  34. rocketmq-remoting

    Apache rocketmq remoting

    v0.1.0 #rocket-mq #apache #messaging #remoting #language
  35. mz-avro

    working with Apache Avro in Rust

    v0.7.0 160 #avro-schema #serialization #apache #deserialize #record #format #codec
  36. dubbo

    v0.3.0 #apache #registry #memory #triple-client #connection #config
  37. rocketmq-common

    Apache rocketmq common

    v0.1.0 #rocket-mq #messaging #apache
  38. object_store_opendal

    object_store Integration for Apache OpenDAL

    v0.43.1 160 #opendal #object-store #integration #data-access #storage #binding #apache
  39. misc-conf

    Nom parser for nginx/apache configuration

    v0.1.2 #config-parser #apache #nginx #parser
  40. static-compress

    Create a compressed copy of files matching a glob to serve statically compressed files with a web server

    v0.3.3 #brotli #compression #gzip #nginx #apache #command-line-tool
  41. iceberg-sql-catalog

    Sql catalog for Apache Iceberg tables

    v0.3.0 #iceberg #catalog #apache #sql #datafusion #table #arrow
  42. amcl-milagro

    The Apache Milagro Cryptographic Library (version 3)

    v3.2.6 #cryptography #curve #elliptic-curve #ed25519 #apache #version #milagro
  43. shibboleth-oauth2-forwarding

    server that creates an OAuth2 Server (identity provider). It assumes it runs behind as protected resource (e.g. by securing it with AuthType shibboleth in an Apache 2 server). Shibboleth/SAML…

    v0.2.0 #identity-provider #oauth2 #json-web-token #apache #header #http-header #shibboleth
  44. statefun

    SDK for the Apache Flink Stateful Functions (StateFun) project. See: https://flink.apache.org/stateful-functions.html

    v0.2.0-alpha.2 #apache #flink #stateful #sdk #function #html #org-stateful-functions
  45. gato-simple-router

    Apache CGI Driver for Gato Web Framework

    v0.5.4 #web-framework #gato #cgi #apache #driver
  46. avro-schema

    Apache Avro specification

    v0.3.0 11K #avro #analytics #schema #specification #read #apache #documentation
  47. dsrs

    wrapper for Apache DataSketches

    v0.6.1 #sketch #probabilistic #line #key #apache #sorting #seq
  48. iceberg-catalog-sql

    Sql catalog for Apache Iceberg tables

    v0.2.0 #iceberg #apache #table #catalog #sql #data-fusion #integration
  49. iotdb-cli

    Apache IotDB CLI Client written in Rust

    v0.1.0 #iotdb #command-line-tool #apache #iot-db #cli #iotdb-client
  50. valu3-parquet

    Parquet and Arrow encoding and decoding for valu3

    v0.4.5 220 #apache-arrow #parquet #arrow #valu3 #apache #codec #generic
  51. datafusion_iceberg

    Apache Iceberg integration for Datafusion

    v0.3.0 240 #datafusion #iceberg #apache #integration #traits #table-provider #catalog-provider
  52. livy

    Apache Livy REST API Client

    v0.5.0 #apache #rest #client #api-client #http #api-bindings
  53. skywalking_rust

    Apache SkyWalking Rust Agent

    v0.1.0 #distributed-tracing #agent #distributed-systems #spans #observability #apache #system
  54. dubbo-config

    v0.3.0 #dubbo #config #dubbo-config #apache
  55. statefun-proto

    Protobuf definitions for the Statefun Rust SDK (statefun)

    v0.2.0-alpha.2 #statefun #protobuf #sdk #definition #stateful #apache #flink
  56. rucene

    port of the popular Apache Lucene project. Rucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API that can easily be used to add full text search capabilities to applications.

    v0.1.1 #lucene #index #search #applications #full-text-search #port #apache
  57. kg-template

    Template engine with syntax based on Apache Velocity

    v0.1.2 #template-engine #apache #velocity #syntax
  58. bookkeeper-client

    Async rust client for Apache BookKeeper

    v0.2.1 #book-keeper #async-client #apache #api-bindings #write
  59. snowbridge-milagro-bls

    BLS12-381 signatures using the Apache Milagro curve library, targeting Ethereum 2.0

    v1.5.4 81K #public-key #bls-signatures #apache #bls12-381 #ethereum #milagro #curve
  60. iceberg-rust-spec

    Iceberg table format specification

    v0.3.0 #table #iceberg #specification #format #datafusion #apache #arrow
  61. cqlparser

    Apache Cassandra CQL parser

    v0.1.0 #cassandra #statement #parser #cql #apache #ast #query-language
  62. htpasswd-verify

    Verify hashes stored in apache's htpasswd file

    v0.3.0 250 #apache #password #htpasswd
  63. orc-format

    Unofficial implementation of Apache ORC spec in safe Rust

    v0.3.0 #orc #analytics #read #apache #rle #decode #metadata
  64. snowbridge-amcl

    The Apache Milagro Cryptographic Library (version 3)

    v1.0.2 84K #bls-signatures #curve #version #apache #bls12-381 #milagro #cryptography
  65. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  66. cdrs-async

    Asynchronous driver for Apache Cassandra

    v0.1.0-alpha.0 #cassandra #apache #driver #async #query #cdrs #deserialize
  67. pandas

    inspired from pandas which is a software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis. In particular, it offers data structures and operations…

    v0.1.0 #data-analysis #time-series #table #numerical #python #released #apache
  68. cql

    Apache Cassandra client library

    v0.0.3 #cassandra #apache #query #version #query-language #native #protocols
  69. two_three

    A two-three (2-3) tree implementation in Rust. Includes a map and set interface

    v0.0.6 #tree #2-3 #interface #set #map #licensed #apache
  70. libhdfs3-sys

    binding to libhdfs3 from Apache hawq

    v0.2.0 #hdfs #apache #binding #libhdfs3 #hawq #hdfs3 #modification
  71. target-iceberg

    Singer target for Apache Iceberg

    v0.1.0 #iceberg #apache #target #singer
  72. guywaldman/ravro

    CLI for Apache Avro with a high-level API

    GitHub 0.2.0 #avro #apache #csv #fields #manipulation #regex #format
  73. dubbo-metadata


    v0.3.0 #dubbo #apache #dubbo-rust-metadata
  74. curator

    A client library of Apache ZooKeeper

    v0.1.0 #zookeeper #apache #client
  75. xds


    v0.3.0 #xds #dubbo-rust-xds #dubbo #apache
  76. grep-rust

    Like grep, but use rust

    v0.1.0 #grep #filename #query #apache #output #shell #org-licenses
  77. rust-thrift-tls

    Client and Server TLS support for Apache Thrift

    v0.3.0 #tls #thrift #client-server #apache #mutual #tcp #authentication
  78. gato-apache-cgi

    Apache CGI Driver for Gato Web Framework

    v0.5.0 #apache #cgi #gato #web-framework #driver
  79. datafusion-iceberg-sql

    Apache Iceberg integration for Datafusion

    v0.3.0 #iceberg #datafusion #apache #integration #arrow
  80. dubbo-registry-nacos


    v0.3.0 #dubbo #dubbo-rust-registry-nacos #apache
  81. terminal_thrift

    Thrift runtime library for rust

    v0.3.2 #thrift #apache #run-time #progress #ci #now #modified
  82. air-pass

    Reusable compiler pass infrastructure for the AirScript compiler

    v0.1.0 #pass #compiler #air #reusable #infrastructure #airscript #apache
  83. open-fastrlp

    Fast RLP serialization library. This crate is a yanked version of FastRLP 0.1.2 which was Apache licensed

    v0.1.4 163K #apache #rlp #was #licensed #serialization #changed #gpl
  84. dubbo-registry


    v0.3.0 #dubbo #dubbo-rust-registry #apache
  85. dubbo-registry-zookeeper


    v0.3.0 #dubbo #dubbo-rust-registry-zookeeper #apache
  86. livy_manager

    Livy Manager - Web UI for Managing Apache Livy Sessions

    v0.2.0 #livy #web-ui #sessions #manager #apache #zeppelin
  87. apache-dubbo


    v0.1.0 #apache #dubbo
  88. brpc-rs

    Apache BRPC library for Rust

    v0.1.0 #rpc #apache #brpc #rust #server #service #client-server
  89. parquet_derive

    Derive macros for the Rust implementation of Apache Parquet

    v51.0.0 2.0K #parquet #apache #reader #derive #chrono #generate #struct
  90. serde-avro

    Support for Apache Avro in combination with serde

    v0.5.0 #avro #apache #serde
  91. dubbo-common


    v0.3.0 #dubbo #apache #dubbo-rust-common
  92. ignite-rs_derive

    Apache Ignite thin client

    v0.1.1 #client #ignite #thin #apache #derive #ignite-obj #string
  93. conduit-mime-types

    MIME type definitions for conduit

    v0.8.0 2.3K #mime #conduit #definition #expose #apache
  94. httpd

    HTTP/1.1 (HTTP/2 soon) Server that is built on Tokio Project Pipeline

    v0.1.4 #s3 #tokio #http #https #ceph

Search for: apache iceberg, …client, …dubbo, …version, …rpc, …driver, …parser, …buffer, …avro, …parquet