2 releases

0.0.2 Sep 11, 2020
0.0.1 Aug 23, 2020

#1533 in Rust patterns


863 lines

Repository: A repository for all kinds of entities.

Repository provides storage for multiple data types, it provides its own kind of index handle called EntityId and its own kind of typed handle called EntityPtr<T>. With these handles it allows the values resident in the same Repository to reference each other easily.

The data behind the EntityPtr<T> handle can be accessed when you have a corresponding reference to the whole repository.

The data behind the EntityId handle can be accessed when you know its type and have a corresponding reference to the whole repository.

Usage example:

// create a repository.
let mut repo = Repo::new();

// insert and retrieve a pointer handle.
let a = repo.insert(42i32);
assert_eq!(42i32, *a.get_ref(&repo).unwrap());

// insert and retrieve a index handle.
let b = repo.insert_for_id(42i32);

// downcast from index handle to pointer handle.
let b_ptr = b.cast_ptr::<i32>(&repo).unwrap();
assert_eq!(42i32, *b_ptr.get_ref(&repo).unwrap());

// downcasting fails when type is incorrect.
let b_wrong_ptr = b.cast_ptr::<u32>(&repo);
assert_eq!(None, b_wrong_ptr);


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~31K SLoC