
  1. base64

    encodes and decodes base64 as bytes or utf8

    v0.22.1 16.1M #decode-base64 #encode-decode #codec #decode #utf-8 #encode #utf8
  2. bincode

    A binary serialization / deserialization strategy for transforming structs into bytes and vice versa!

    v2.0.0-rc.3 2.6M #binary-encoding #encode-decode #serialization #decode #binary #deserialize #encode
  3. base32

    encoder/decoder for Rust

    v0.5.1 238K #codec #decode #encode #global-allocator
  4. html-escape

    encoding/escaping special characters in HTML and decoding/unescaping HTML entities as well

    v0.2.13 319K #escaping #html #encode #html-text #encode-decode #decode #generate-html
  5. base64-url

    Base64 encode, decode, escape and unescape for URL applications

    v3.0.0 154K #base64 #decode-base64 #codec #url #decode #encode #utf-8
  6. quoted_printable

    encoder/decoder for quoted-printable data

    v0.5.1 227K #codec #quoted #printable #decode #encode #ietf-rfc
  7. z85

    ZeroMQ's Z85 encoding mechanism with padding

    v3.0.5 77K #zeromq #data-encoding #codec #decode #encode #padding #mechanism
  8. htmlize

    Encode and decode HTML entities in UTF-8 according to the standard

    v1.0.5 14K #html-string #escaping #html #codec #entities #decode #html-text
  9. cros-codecs

    Hardware-accelerated codecs for Linux

    v0.0.5 1.0K #hardware-accelerated #codec #frame #decoding #decoded #video-stream #decode
  10. z-base-32

    human-oriented base-32 encoding

    v0.1.4 2.6K #encode-decode #base32 #decode #encode #python
  11. otr

    otr decodes and cuts video files that were downloaded from Online TV Recorder https://onlinetvrecorder.com/

    v0.11.7 130 #command-line #video-processing #video #command-line-tool #decode #otrkey #online-tv-recorder
  12. bytecodec

    A tiny framework for implementing encoders/decoders of byte-oriented protocols

    v0.4.15 48K #codec #encoder #serialization #decoder #async-io #byte #decode
  13. resend

    easy to use, performant, customizable and extendable Rust library for little-endian/big-endian serializing and deserializing

    v0.1.4 #serialization #endian #deserialize #encode-decode #encode #decode
  14. raki

    RISC-V instruction decoder written in Rust

    v1.3.1 950 #risc-v #decoder #instructions #extension #traits #formatting #decode
  15. rosu-map

    de- and encode .osu files

    v0.2.0 210 #osu #parser #beatmap #decode #parse
  16. simd_cesu8

    An extremely fast, SIMD accelerated, encoding and decoding library for CESU-8 and Modified UTF-8

    v1.0.1 1.1K #cesu8 #codec #decode #encode #mutf8
  17. serialization_minecraft

    encode and decode your struct

    v0.2.13 1.4K #codec #decoding #performance #buffer #decode #encode #encoding
  18. jpegxr

    Wrapper for Microsoft's C JPEG XR image codec library

    v0.3.1 340 #jpeg #xr #codec #jxr #decoding #microsoft #decode
  19. simple-base64

    encodes and decodes base64 as bytes or utf8 with simple API

    v0.23.2 900 #decode-base64 #base64 #encode-decode #decode #utf-8 #encode
  20. base16

    (hex) encoding and decoding

    v0.2.1 46K #codec #hex #decode #encode
  21. base65536-cli

    base65536 cli tool

    v1.0.1 330 #cli #command-line-tool #encoding #base65536 #decode
  22. serialization

    encode and decode your struct

    v0.2.13 1.6K #codec #performance #decode #encode #decoding #buffer #size
  23. basenc

    Encoding and decoding of Base-N encodings, no_std compatible

    v0.2.2 430 #codec #base64 #utf-8 #decode #encode #no-std #utf8
  24. rsbkb

    has multiple tools which are designed to be called directly (through symlinks). This allows various operations on data to be chained easily like CyberChef but through pipes.

    v1.8.0 240 #encode-decode #encode #decode #hack #command-line #base64-url #urlencode
  25. mercy

    open-source Rust crate and CLI for building cybersecurity tools, assessment projects, and testing infrastructure

    v2.0.2 #cybersecurity #security #decode #encode #security-testing #cracking #encode-decode
  26. macro-toolset

    Some useful macros

    v0.8.0 2.1K #string #macro #numbers #hex #encode #base64 #decode
  27. radiation

    Convert Rust type into raw bytes and vice versa

    v0.3.7 #encode-decode #binary #decode #encode #parser
  28. cdr

    A serialization/deserialization implementation of Common Data Representation

    v0.2.4 21K #serialization #deserialize #codec #encode #decode
  29. bincode2

    A binary serialization / deserialization strategy that uses Serde for transforming structs into bytes and vice versa!

    v2.0.1 3.6K #binary-encoding #serialization #binary #deserialize #encode-decode #decode #encode
  30. pct-str

    Percent-encoded strings for URL, URI, IRI, etc

    v2.0.0 34K #codec #string #encode #percent #decode #percent-encoded
  31. sqlx-transparent-json-decode

    Decode JSON from Postgres sqlx queries, without the Json<> wrapper type

    v3.0.0 #json #deserialize-json #postgresql #sqlx #json-query #decode #transparent
  32. rbase64

    A fast multi-threaded base64 encoding library and CLI tool

    v2.0.3 1.9K #base64 #decode-base64 #codec #decode #encode #command-line #command-line-tool
  33. cir

    Linux Infrared Tooling

    v0.1.3 #ir #infrared #linux #protocols #remote-control #decode #irp
  34. url-escape

    encoding/escaping special characters in URLs and decoding/unescaping URLs as well

    v0.1.1 36K #urlencode #escaping #codec #url #character-encoding #encode #decode
  35. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000007

    encodes and decodes base64 as bytes or utf8

    v0.22.1 #decode-base64 #base64 #decode #utf-8 #encode #encode-decode #codec
  36. audrey

    simplify reading, writing and converting between a range of audio formats

    v0.3.0 4.2K #format #convert #decode #encode #audio #read-write #decoder-encoder
  37. micromarshal

    (De)Serialisation between Rust values and binary byte objects

    v0.7.0 4.6K #binary-encoding #deserialization #marshal #decode #read
  38. base85

    encoding as described in RFC1924

    v2.0.0 6.6K #binary-data #data-encoding #binary-encoding #encode-decode #decode #encode #rfc1924
  39. base64-compat

    encodes and decodes base64 as bytes or utf8 - compatible with older Rust versions

    v1.0.0 11K #base64 #decode-base64 #encode-decode #utf-8 #decode #encode #utf8
  40. base64easy

    encodes and decodes base64 as bytes or utf8

    v0.1.5 600 #base64 #decode-base64 #decode #utf-8 #encode #encode-decode #no-std
  41. rustvdif

    interacting with data encoded in the VLBI Data Interchange Format (VDIF)

    v0.4.0 120 #data-interchange #vdif #frame #encoded #radio-astronomy #decode #encode
  42. fev

    High-level VA-API bindings

    v0.2.3 #api-bindings #codec #acceleration #decode #libva #video #fallback
  43. base65536

    A binary encoding optimized for UTF-32/UCS-4 encoded text and Twitter

    v1.0.1 110 #binary-encoding #text-encoding #encode-decode #decode #encode #utf-8 #codec
  44. codeq

    Codec trait

    v0.4.0 4.0K #encode #codec #decode
  45. g60

    encodes and decodes G60 as bytes or utf8

    v0.3.1 #codec #decode #utf-8 #character-encoding #encode #utf8
  46. dns-message-parser

    Libary to encode and decode DNS packets

    v0.7.0 1.4K #encode-decode #dns #message-parser #packet-parser #encode #decode #parser
  47. lib_tcstring

    IAB TCF v2 TCString utilities

    v0.5.0 110 #string #tcf #decode #tcstring #cargo-toml
  48. can-types

    encoding/decoding simple CAN bus data structures

    v0.9.1 250 #industrial-automation #j1939 #decode #vehicle #data-encoding #ecu #can
  49. uu_base32

    base32 ~ (uutils) decode/encode input (base32-encoding)

    v0.0.28 360 #coreutils #cross-platform #uutils #utility #command-line-tool #decode #cli
  50. decodetree

    parser and generator

    v0.4.7 #parser-generator #disassembler #instructions #generate #decode #found
  51. bluesky-firehose-stream

    Decode bluesky firehose messages

    v0.1.1 #firehose #bluesky #stream #messages #frame #decode #subscription
  52. baste64

    A base64 codec

    v0.1.0 #base64 #codec #decode #encode #wasm-bindgen
  53. cody-c

    zerocopy codec for encoding and decoding data in no_std environments

    v0.4.0 #codec #decode #encode #embedded #data-encoding #no-std
  54. base91

    Encoding binary data as ASCII characters. Similar to base64, but more efficient.

    v0.1.0 1.1K #binary-data #binary-encoding #decode #encode #no-std
  55. es51986

    data decoder library

    v0.1.4 #data #decoder #decode
  56. rspamd-base32

    encodes and decodes base32 bug-to-bug compatible with Rspamd

    v0.1.1 #base32 #decode #compatible #encode-decode #rfc #alphabet #rspamd
  57. boba

    Encoder and decoder for the Bubble Babble binary data encoding

    v5.0.0 #binary-data #data-encoding #codec #encode #utf-8 #decode #bubblebabble
  58. amf

    (Action Media Format)

    v1.0.0 #format #action #media #decode #value #version #standard
  59. rapid-qoi

    Optimized QOI format encoder and decoder

    v0.6.1 #image-encoding #codec #qoi #image #decode #encode #no-std
  60. decoreco

    decode and re-encode big media files to save space

    v0.2.3 #ffmpeg #decode #encode #re-encode
  61. dns-codec

    represent arbirary data as legal DNS names using a mostly base-38 encoding (including '.' and '-' where permitted)

    v0.1.0 120 #encode #encode-decode #dns #decode #codec #base38
  62. bencoding

    decoding bencoded data

    v0.1.3 140 #decoding #bencode #data #decode #bencoded
  63. wavpack

    API bindings for WavPack

    v0.4.0 #audio #encode-decode #encode #decode #api-bindings #encoding
  64. number-encoding

    Combinatorial and factorial number systems

    v0.2.1 #numbers #combinatorial #permutation #codec #factorial #encode #decode
  65. utf-32-to-utf-8

    Convert UTF-32 to UTF-8 encoding

    v1.0.4 #encode #decode #bom #utf-32be #utf-32le
  66. playback-rs

    A very simple audio/song loading and playing library

    v0.4.4 #playback #sound #decoder #audio-playback #music #sample-rate #decode
  67. base_any

    通用的 base 系列编解码。中文编码。

    v0.1.0 #decode #encode #no-std
  68. eetf

    encoding/decoding Erlang External Term Format

    v0.9.0 900 #erlang #term #format #codec #external #decode #atom
  69. xor-str

    XOR 编译期加密字符串并且运行时自动解密,XOR encrypts strings at compile time and decrypts them automatically at run time

    v0.1.4 #compile-time #xor #encryption-decryption #compile #run-time #data-encryption #decode
  70. videotoolbox-rs

    Rust wrapper for apple's VideoToolbox framework

    v0.1.0 120 #video #encode #macos #decode #videotoolbox #encode-decode
  71. base45

    Encoder/decoder for base45

    v3.1.0 300 #qrcode #encode #decode #codec
  72. ssi-sd-jwt

    SD-JWT for the ssi library

    v0.3.0 650 #ssi #jwt #sd-jwt #claim #decode #identity #verify
  73. fjson

    parsing and formatting json with C-style comments and trailing commas

    v0.3.1 #json-parser #json #format-json #jsonc #format #decode #hjson
  74. residua-mutf8

    converting between MUTF-8 and UTF-8

    v2.0.0 170 #utf-8 #encode #decode #mutf8 #no-std #utf8
  75. otr-utils

    decoding and cutting video files that were downloaded from Online TV Recorder https://onlinetvrecorder.com/

    v0.5.0 #video #decode #otrkey #online-tv-recorder #videos #file-format
  76. radix64

    A base64 library by another name

    v0.6.2 19K #base64 #codec #decoding #decode #encode #encoding
  77. codek

    Codec trait

    v0.1.0 #encode #codec #decode
  78. rlp-decoder

    Recursive-length prefix data decoder

    v0.1.0 130 #rlp #decoder #byte #data #prefix #decode #onto
  79. msp430-asm

    Disassembler for msp430

    v0.2.0 #msp430 #instructions #assembly #disassembler #decoding #decode #engine
  80. residua-cesu8

    converting between CESU-8 and UTF-8

    v2.0.0 210 #cesu8 #utf-8 #encode #decode #no-std #utf8
  81. tinyklv

    The simplest Key-Length-Value (KLV) framework in Rust

    v0.0.1-alpha.1 #tlv #decode #parser #encode #klv #reduce-boilerplate #input-stream
  82. bs62

    Base62 encoder / decoder with support for leading 0x00 bytes

    v0.1.4 600 #base62 #link-shortener #data-encoding #encode-decode #decode #encode #url
  83. codepage-strings

    encode / decode strings for Windows code pages

    v1.0.2 #windows #pages #codec #string #decode #decoding #codepage
  84. utf8-decode

    UTF-8 incremental decoding iterators

    v1.0.1 42K #utf-8 #iterator #decode #utf8
  85. data2sound

    convert data to sound, and vice versa, supports WASI (dependency-free)

    v0.2.2 #wav #data-file #encode #decode #convert-file #file-format #audio
  86. glaciers

    decode raw EVM logs into decoded events

    v1.0.3 300 #events #decode #logs #decoded #raw #evm #tool
  87. signal-backup-decode

    decode signal backups

    v0.2.3 #signal #backup #decode #android #decoder #tool #version
  88. pem-iterator

    Iterate over PEM-encoded data

    v0.2.0 #iterator #pem #parser #decode #private-key #crypto
  89. riscy-isa

    Encodes and decodes streams of RISC-V instructions

    v0.1.1 #risc-v #instructions #stream #decode #isa #binary #encode
  90. pageman

    Disk-based page manager/store

    v0.1.0 #binary #encode #decode
  91. audyo

    audio decode/encode library

    v0.1.0 #ogg-vorbis #encode #decode #audio #format
  92. dencode

    decoding and encoding frames from readers and writers

    v0.3.0 650 #codec #async-io #decode #decoding #frame #encode #byte
  93. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  94. compeg

    A JPEG decoder implemented as a WebGPU compute shader

    v0.4.0 #compute-shader #jpeg #web-gpu #decoder #yuv #image #decode
  95. cantools

    CAN-bus data analysis library

    v0.2.1 #decode #encode #signals #logging #can #data-analysis
  96. yenc

    Encodes and decodes using the yEnc encoding

    v0.2.2 #decode #encode #codec #encoded #encoding #decoding #text-encoding
  97. urlencode

    A CLI utility for URL-encoding or -decoding strings

    v1.0.1 #url #percent #encode #decode #command-line-tool
  98. binable

    Minimal library for encoding (decoding) types to (from) binary

    v0.1.0 #binary-encoding #serialization #binary #encode #decode #deserialize
  99. sse-codec

    async Server-Sent Events protocol encoder/decoder

    v0.3.2 18K #stream #decode #codec #events #server-sent-events #encodes #sourcing
  100. mangaplus-parser

    mangaplus parser for rust using pb-rs

    v2.0.0 #parser #mangaplus #decode #slice #objects #data #build
  101. alloy-contract

    Interact with on-chain contracts

    v0.9.2 120K #on-chain #alloy #sol #contracts #interact #decode #builder
  102. urldecoder

    A fast, feature-rich, file-oriented batch URL decoder written in Rust

    v1.3.2 #url #decode #batch
  103. nimble

    Async friendly, simple and fast binary encoding/decoding

    v0.2.1 #encode-decode #encode #binary #decode #codec #serialization #binary-encoding
  104. bincode-no-std

    A binary serialization / deserialization strategy that uses Serde for transforming structs into bytes and vice versa!

    v1.0.0 #serialization #encode-decode #deserialize #binary #decode #encode #binary-encoding
  105. json-decode

    An elm inspired runtime JSON decoder for Rust

    v0.6.0 500 #json #decode #decoder #run-time #elm
  106. zlo

    A binary serialization/deserialization strategy that uses Serde for transforming structs into very compact bit representations

    v0.1.0 #binary-encoding #serialization #bit #deserialize #encode #decode #encode-decode
  107. hps_decode

    parsing and decoding Super Smash Bros. Melee music files

    v0.2.1 250 #smash #music #super #decoding #audio #decode #parser
  108. axmldecoder

    Decode Android's binary XML format

    v0.5.0 500 #xml-format #xml-parser #binary #android #file #decode #decoder
  109. tomllib

    A format-preserving TOML file parser and manipulator

    v0.1.2 150 #toml-parser #toml #nom #parser #encode #decode #regex
  110. url-decompose

    Decompose an url into parts

    v0.1.1 #url #parse-url #decode #parser #decompose #regex
  111. asm_riscv

    RISC-V Assembly Encoder / Decoder

    v0.2.0 #assembly #risc-v #codec #decode #asm #encode #riscv
  112. woff2

    decompression library

    v0.3.0 #font #parse #decompression #opentype #true-type #decode
  113. minilz4

    Minimal interface for the LZ4 compression library frame format

    v0.6.1 #lz4 #compression #interface #frame #format #encode #decode
  114. py27-marshal

    port of https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Python/marshal.c

    v0.4.0 #marshal #python #read #decode
  115. utf


    v0.1.6 1.0K #utf-8 #utf #decode
  116. bincode-thin

    A fork of bincode with experimental hacks to have a smaller serialized size (for webrender)

    v1.1.2 #serialization #deserialize #binary #decode #encode #encode-decode
  117. bendecode

    bencode parser specifically made for torrent files. It converts the file provided into a format acceptable in rust(structs and enums)

    v0.1.3 #bittorrent #bencode #bencode-parser #decode #decoder #file-format #torrent
  118. binverse

    Fast binary serialization with versioning

    v0.6.2 #binary-serialization #serialization #binary #version #binary-data #decode #encode
  119. mini_sbc

    Bluetooth audio SBC decoder

    v0.1.7 #decode #sbc #audio
  120. aws_account_id_from_key_id

    Decodes the AWS Account ID given an AWS Access Key ID

    v0.8.2 #account-id #access-key #aws-access #decode
  121. ascii85

    encoding and decoding Adobe Ascii85

    v0.2.1 410 #decode #adobe #base85 #decoding #codec #encoding
  122. unicode_escape

    decoding escape sequences in strings

    v0.1.0 #escaping #sequences #decode #decoding #error #hex #different
  123. ende

    encoding/decoding unicode/utf-8/utf-16(ucs-2) code points

    v0.1.0 #utf-16 #utf-8 #unicode #decode #encode #encode-decode #codec
  124. dbus-server-address-parser

    encode and decode DBus server address

    v1.0.1 #encode-decode #decode #encode #parser
  125. rosu-storyboard

    de- and encode osu! storyboards

    v0.1.1 #osu #decode #storyboard #parse #parser
  126. zero_escape

    encoding and decoding data using the Zero Escape Encoding method

    v1.0.0 #codec #data-encoding #escaping #zero #decoding #decode
  127. bintext

    Encode and decodes binary encoded text into aligned binary blobs using SIMD

    v0.1.3 #binary #decode #text #alignment #binary-data #encode-decode #simd
  128. sealed-secrets

    lib to encrypt and decrypt secrets using Sealed Secrets

    v0.2.1 #secret #encryption-decryption #sealed #codec #encode #decode
  129. vobsub

    Decode DVD VobSub-format subtitles (*.sub/*.idx files)

    v0.2.3 410 #subtitle #decoding #fuzz #sub #vob-sub-format #decode #dvd
  130. bitinfo

    A commandline tool to make working with registers easier

    v0.1.1 #register #decode #cli #command-line-tool
  131. stream-unzip

    Unzip a file incrementally

    v0.2.1 #unzip #data-streaming #zip-file #central #decode #directory #entries
  132. wav2json

    that decodes wav audio files into json waveform data

    v0.1.0 #audio #waveform #json #wav #data #decode #file
  133. orc-format

    Unofficial implementation of Apache ORC spec in safe Rust

    v0.3.0 3.0K #orc #analytics #read #apache #rle #decode #metadata
  134. glassy

    An easy and fast library for encoding and decoding binary data

    v0.0.3 #binary-data #data-encoding #codec #base64 #decoding #base32 #decode
  135. baze64

    Encode & decode base64 from & to arbitrary byte sequences

    v0.6.0 #decode-base64 #base64 #encode-decode #encode #decode #byte-sequences
  136. rsp6-decoder

    Decode UK National Rail mobile tickets in RSP6 format

    v0.1.0 #ticket #decode #uk #barcode #national #mobile #format
  137. ethabi-decode

    Decoding of ABI-encoded data and event logs

    v2.0.0 207K #ethereum #event-log #events #decode #logs #data #ethabi
  138. mercy-cli

    Mercy CLI is a simple command line interface built on top of the Mercy Rust crate

    v0.1.8 #cybersecurity #decode #encode #cracking #security #cli-command
  139. lf2_codec

    Encodes and decodes Little Fighter 2 (LF2) data files

    v0.2.1 #lf2 #decode #little #fighter #data #encodes #codec
  140. blurhash-ng

    A pure Rust implementation of blurhash

    v0.1.2 #blurhash #image #pure #decode #encode
  141. frame-decode

    Decode extrinsics and storage from Substrate based chains

    v0.6.0 69K #decode #storage #key-storage #metadata #frame #extrinsic #substrate
  142. flac-tracksplit

    Split FLAC+CUE (embedded) into multiple tracks

    v0.1.0 #flac #track #split #multiple #metadata #file #decode
  143. bincode_derive

    #[derive(Encode, Decode)] for bincode

    v2.0.0-rc.3 437K #encode-decode #serialization #decode #encode #binary #binary-serialization #deserialize
  144. ctp-futures

    A short description of your crate

    v0.1.0 #short #ctp #description #bincode #class #virtual #decode
  145. blurhash-wasm

    WASM implementation of the blurhash algorithm

    v0.2.0 #blurhash #wasm-pack #algorithm #image #decode
  146. sectok

    interact with RFC 8959 secret-token URIs

    v0.2.0 #uri #rfc #interact #decoding #token #secret-token #decode
  147. dcf77_chrono

    code and decode DCF77 bitstreams

    v0.2.1 #bit-field #dcf77 #date-time #bitstream #chrono #decode #standard
  148. crabsoup

    re-implementation of soupault

    v0.1.0-alpha1 #soupault #script #decode #html #re-implementation #website #static-website
  149. beamcode

    Erlang BEAM instructions encoding / decoding library

    v0.1.0 #beam #erlang #instructions #codec #decode #decoding #encoding
  150. rmw-bytes

    to bytes and from bytes

    v0.1.14 #byte #rmw #net #decode
  151. recode

    Reusable encoding/decoding constructs for Rust

    v0.5.0-alpha.3 #io #encode-decode #serialization #decode #encode #codec #deserliaze
  152. utf-16-to-utf-8

    Convert UTF-16 to UTF-8 encoding

    v1.0.0 #encode #decode #utf-16le #bom #utf-16be
  153. stellar-strkey

    Encode and decode strkeys for Stellar

    v0.0.11 24K #decode #encode-decode #stellar #strkeys #strkey #contract #cli
  154. cose

    (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8152) in Rust

    v0.1.4 150 #jose #signature #byte #payload #decode #cose-signature #decoder
  155. base64tool

    Base64 encode and decode files

    v0.1.1 #decode-base64 #encode #encode-decode #decode #b64
  156. rmw_str

    to str and from str

    v0.0.7 #string #rmw #u16 #socket-addr-v6 #decode #ipv6-addr #ipv4-addr
  157. marksman_escape

    HTML escape and HTML unescape strings

    v0.1.2 480 #encode #decode #sanitise #sanitize
  158. b64-rs

    A super speedy* base64 encoder

    v1.0.3 #base64 #decode-base64 #encode #codec #decode #super #encoder
  159. xbinser-macros

    binary structure transporation, macros to generate encode and decode tools

    v0.1.1 #macro #encode #decode #binary #generate #structure #transporation
  160. py-marshal

    port of https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Python/marshal.c

    v0.4.2 #python #marshal #read #decode
  161. uuencode


    v0.1.5 #uudecode #data #format #uuencoder-decoder #decode #encode #encode-decode
  162. blurhash-fast


    v0.1.0 #blurhash #image #decode #algorithm #encode #image-encoding #decoding
  163. fumen

    Encode and decode fumens from http://fumen.zui.jp

    v0.1.2 #tetris #decode #fumens #codec #encode #zui #jp
  164. mojibake

    Encode/Decode bytes as emoji base2048

    v0.2.1 #emoji #byte #byte-sequences #unicode-characters #grapheme #decode #encode-decode
  165. nucleociph

    encoding phrases into nucleotide characters, and vice versa

    v1.0.1 #string #encryption #nucleotide #pair #vice #phrases #decode
  166. kripher

    File encoder based on an own algorithm

    v0.8.0 #encode-decode #encode #decode #file #encoder #key-file #own
  167. v-ayylmao

    High-level VA-API bindings

    v0.0.5 240 #acceleration #decode #codec #libva #video
  168. caesar_cipher_cli

    A CLI tool for encode and decode caesar cipher

    v0.1.2 #cipher #encode #encode-decode #decode #caesar-cipher #command-line-tool
  169. ook

    encode and decode Brainfuck or Ook

    v0.1.2 #encode-decode #brainfuck #encode #decode #programming-language #development
  170. crypto-morse

    Encoding and decoding morse code for unicode

    v0.2.0 #morse #codec #decoding #unicode #encode #decode #encoding
  171. bin_codec

    binary encoder decoder with bit field

    v0.1.0 #bit-field #binary #codec #decode #encode #bit-fields
  172. symparser

    Parser implementation of the SYM file format conceived by PEAK-System

    v1.0.0 #peak #file-format #sym #encode #can #decode
  173. pallas-addresses

    Ergonomic library to work with different Cardano addresses

    v0.32.0 3.9K #cardano #addresses #address #different #decode #stake #shelley
  174. rut

    A small UTF-8 parsing library for applications that need to parse individual chars

    v0.4.2 #utf-8 #decoding #byte #individual #characters #applications #decode
  175. snowbridge-ethereum

    Snowbridge Ethereum

    v0.11.0 61K #ethereum #header #polkadot #execution #decode #rlp #data
  176. crnlib

    Rust port of crunch, to decode .crn file

    v0.1.1 #port #file #decode #end #found #file-io #crunch
  177. dds-rs

    Decodes DirectDraw Surface files

    v0.7.0 270 #dds #directdraw #surface #direct-draw #decode
  178. wav_reader

    decodes and encodes WAV files. Go to the GitHub page for usage, and to the docs for overall structure.

    v0.1.3 #decode #wav #encode #github #docs #go #page
  179. length-prefixed-stream

    decode a byte stream of varint length-encoded messages into a stream of chunks

    v1.0.0 #stream #byte-stream #decode #varint #chunks #messages #length
  180. hex_

    convert in and out of hex

    v0.1.0 #convert-hex #encode #cli #decode #encode-decode
  181. huffman-encoding

    Huffman encoding of arbitrary data

    v0.1.2 #huffman #huffman-coding #encoding #data #encode #decode