8 breaking releases

0.11.0 Jun 26, 2024
0.9.0 May 8, 2024
0.8.0 Jan 1, 2024
0.7.0 Dec 17, 2023
0.4.0 Oct 13, 2019

#375 in Network programming

Used in web-url

MIT license

2.5K SLoC


This library aids in processing network addresses.


There are currently no features. You can use all address types with the following dependency:

address = "0.11.0"

Address Types

There are 6 core address types:

  • IPAddress: Either an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address.
    • Includes IPAddress which is an enum, and the IPv4Address & IPv6Address struct types.
  • SocketAddress: An IP address with an associated port.
    • Includes the SocketAddress, SocketAddressV4 & SocketAddressV6 struct types.
  • Domain: A domain name.
    • Includes: the Domain & DomainRef types.
  • Endpoint: A domain with an associated port.
    • Includes: the Endpoint & EndpointRef types.
  • Host: Either a domain or an IP address.
    • Includes: the Host & HostRef types.
  • Authority: A host with an associated port.
    • Includes: the Authority & AuthorityRef types.

Owned & Reference Types

Address types that are not Copy have owned and Ref types (example: Domain & DomainRef). This allows both owned types and types that do not require allocation. They can be easily converted between each other. Cow is not used to avoid complicated ownership.

Standard Library Types

IP addresses and socket addresses are different from the standard library counterparts. They can be easily converted between each other. There is a difference in IPv6 socket addresses where the flow_info and scope_id are not included as part of the address.

No runtime deps