
  1. curl

    Rust bindings to libcurl for making HTTP requests

    v0.4.46 409K #http-request #libcurl #requests #bindings #api-bindings #data #header
  2. curl-sys

    Native bindings to the libcurl library

    v0.4.72+curl-8.6.0 435K #libcurl #curl #bindings #native-bindings #transfer #requests #data
  3. git2-curl

    Backend for an HTTP transport in libgit2 powered by libcurl. Intended to be used with the git2 crate

    v0.19.0 149K #libcurl #git #http #http-request #git2 #git-repository #libgit2
  4. ratcurl

    Rust bindings to libcurl for making HTTP requests, with curl-impersonate support

    v0.1.0 #libcurl #http-request #bindings #transfer #header #requests #web
  5. smashnet

    hooks Smash Ultimate's libcurl in order to perform https operations

    v0.2.1 100 #smash #https #libcurl #ultimate #hook #networking #operations
  6. tokio-curl

    asynchronous HTTP client using futures backed by libcurl

    v0.1.11 220 #http-client #future #libcurl #backed #asynchronous
  7. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  8. ratcurl-sys

    Native bindings to the libcurl library, with curl-impersonate support

    v0.1.0+curl-7.86.0 #libcurl #bindings #curl-impersonate #requests #ratcurl #ssl #header