Rust team frewsxcv

Corey Farwell

Joined crates-io 9 years ago. Joined GitHub 13 years ago.

Member of GitHub orgs

w3c, CPLUG, SLUGIS, WHATWG, Servo, rust-lang, PistonDevelopers, RustAudio, GeoRust, rust-community, rust-syndication, tiny-http, maintainers, rust-fuzz, rust-sysbar, rust-docs, web-platform-tests, rust-secure-code

Shares crates with

urschrei, Manishearth, gedigi, groteworld, steveklabnik, nagisa, tomaka, michaelkirk, pjsier, bradfier, metasim, robertbastian, jdroenner, kornelski, fitzgen, tomshen, huonw, edfloreshz, Be-ing, sunng87, lovesegfault, rmanoka, dns2utf8, lnicola, brendanashworth, tmontaigu, Byron, smoelius

frewsxcv created 42 crates

Co-owns 7 crates