YubiKey is used at run time in 9 crates (of which 2 optionally).

Number of dependers YubiKey version Downloads/month
3 0.8.0 750
1 0.8.0-pre.0 65
4 0.7.0 1.3K
1 0.6.0 31
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) YubiKey version
5.1K 5 apple-codesign optional ^0.8.0
4.1K sshcerts optional ^0.7
200 tiny-encrypt ^0.8
age-plugin-yubikey =0.8.0-pre.0
gfh ^0.6.0
yubikey-cli ^0.7
1 openpgp-piv-sequoia ^0.7
openpgp-piv-tools ^0.7
ykcryptsetup ^0.3