#channel #smart-contracts #xbi #standard #abi #interface #high-level

no-std xbi-channel-primitives

Primitives to support XBI channel

3 releases

0.3.2 Feb 23, 2023
0.3.1 Feb 23, 2023
0.3.0 Feb 23, 2023

#10 in #xbi

39 downloads per month
Used in 2 crates

Apache-2.0 and maybe GPL-3.0-only

1.5K SLoC



An XCM-based high-level standard and interface (ABI) for smart contracts.

W3F grants

At t3rn, we aim for XBI to become the de-facto standord for integrating with smart contracts all cross the ecosystem. To facilitate that, we aim to implement XBI as a set of grants to enable a transparent, usable specification.


The XBI standard is undergoing a lot of iteration, the details can be found in ./docs.

  • The opening proposal is here, with the PSP for such here

XBI Extensions

Whilst XBI should be modular, so should extensions on XBI. Each extension can be roughly explained here, and any links to the grant proposals seen below:


~443K SLoC