#word #binary #binary-search #vector #usr-share-dict-words


Access all of the words in /usr/share/dict/words

3 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.2 Jun 8, 2018
0.1.1 Jun 7, 2018
0.1.0 Jun 7, 2018

#30 in #binary-search

40 downloads per month
Used in sbxor

MIT license

67 lines



Confirms if a word is in usr/share/dict/words.

How to use

(soon to be implemented) add the crate to [dependencies] and specify the lastest version. Then bring it into scope by placing extern crate words; followed by use words::* in a source file where the functionality is desired.

How it works

Go to /usr/share/dict/words and add all of those words to a vector of vectors. Then perform binary search on those words to confirm a query's existence.



Words grabs the file at /usr/share/dict/words and places each word in a vector. Given a word it can be determined to be in the list or not, and copied into a local variable if desired.

No runtime deps