wl-clipboard-rs is used at run time in 77 crates (of which 71 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 14 crates.

Number of dependers wl-clipboard-rs version Downloads/month
38 0.8.1 52K
29 0.7.0 44K
2 0.6.0 88
8 0.4.1 380
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) wl-clipboard-rs version
293K 137 arboard optional ^0.8
26K 31 cli-clipboard ^0.7
390 selection ^0.8.0
180 napa ^0.8
kickoff ^0.8
wayclip ^0.7.0
wl-clipboard-rs-tools ^0.8.1
ripasso-cursive ^0.7.0
blindcopy ^0.8.1
cargo-context-ranger ^0.8.1
clipboard-sync ^0.7.0
410 1 copyrs optional ^0.8.1
410 tpnote optional ^0.8.1
140 ironkey optional ^0.8.1