wgpu-hal is used at run time in 1,149 crates (of which 704 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 5 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 117 crates.

Number of dependers wgpu-hal version Downloads/month
27 0.20.0 21K
462 0.19.4 126K
50 0.18.1 24K
115 0.17.2 12K
139 0.16.2 9.0K
110 0.15.4 5.9K
105 0.14.1 4.7K
102 0.13.2 3.2K
126 0.12.5 4.9K
22 0.11.5 2.6K
8 0.10.7 170
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) wgpu-hal version
219K 12 wgpu-core ^0.20.0
218K 371 wgpu ^0.20.0
9 rend3 ^0.12.4
mdanceio ^0.14.0
bevy_oxr ^0.17.1