#key-store #ethereum #wallet #web3


Library to encrypt and decrypt keystores

5 releases

0.5.2 Oct 5, 2022
0.5.1 Oct 4, 2022
0.5.0 Sep 24, 2022
0.4.1 Feb 17, 2022
0.4.0 Feb 17, 2022

#39 in #key-store

27 downloads per month


352 lines

Web3 Keystore

Forked from eth-keystore-rs so it does not rely on the file system which makes it easier to intergrate with WASM and other code that does not want to store secrets as JSON files on disc.

A minimalist library to interact with encrypted JSON keystores as per the Web3 Secret Storage Definition.



Library to encrypt and decrypt keystores as per the Web3 Secret Storage Definition.

This is a fork of eth-keystore-rs which does not write to disc automatically so is easier to integrate with WASM and storage destinations other than the file system.


~58K SLoC