1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 28, 2021

#55 in #wasm-binary

MIT license


WASM on the side

Toy project. Don't use. If you do, bad things will happen.

What is this?

In the past, crowdsourcing CPU power has been done through Docker. Docker was nice because containers a) run everywhere, and b) can't brick your system / steal your credit cards / delete system32. However, restrictions include: a) docker runtime is thick, b) containers are overkill for most cases, and c) they are CPU architecture-dependant.

WASM can also run anywhere, but it's lighter than docker (the wasmots-client binary is around 10 mb, and the example WASM binary can be optimized to around and around 400kb. Peak 30 mb memory usage while running the client). As WASI matures and gains more features, things like network access will also be possible. See this for more information about WASI and capability-based security.


To run example:

cd example/example-wasm && cargo build -p example-wasm --target wasm32-wasi --release

to build the WASM file, then

cd <crate root> && cargo run -p example-server

In another window, run

cargo run -p wasmots-client -- http://localhost:3030


~335K SLoC