vt100 is used at run time in 58 crates (of which 7 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 13 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 2 crates.

Number of dependers vt100 version Downloads/month
58 0.15.2 13K
1 0.8.1 38
1 0.6.3 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) vt100 version
1.4M 1513 indicatif optional ^0.15.1
2.3K 2 completest-pty ^0.15.2
1.7K tracexec ^0.15.2
3.1K 5 tui-term optional ^0.15.2
370 fzf-make ^0.15.2
240 15 git-branchless-lib ^0.15.2
130 1 tty-interface ^0.15.1
120 termal-term ^0.15.2
ttyrec-bin ^0.15.2
1 textmode ^0.15.2
teleterm ^0.6
ptytest ^0.8
lector ^0.15.2