#scheme #scheme-interpreter #scripting #interpreter #r7rs

bin+lib vonuvoli-scheme

vonuvoli-scheme -- a Scheme interpreter focused on systems programming and scripting, almost R7RS compliant, featuring a large set of builtin functionality, while keeping performance and security in mind. (Scheme is one of the major Lisp dialects, providing a powerful functional programming environment.)

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.0.6 Jun 14, 2018
0.0.5 Jun 5, 2018
0.0.4 May 23, 2018

#6 in #r7rs


69K SLoC

Currently the crates.io readme rendering doesn't support reStructuredText.

Please see the actual readme on GitHub at: https://github.com/volution/vonuvoli-scheme


~125K SLoC