#instrument #usb

no-std usbtmc

USBTMC driver for controlling instruments over USB

2 unstable releases

0.1.0 Feb 3, 2021
0.0.1 Feb 3, 2021

#1744 in Parser implementations

35 downloads per month




Single instrument

use rust_usbtmc::instrument::Instrument;

const VID: u16 = 0x0699; // Vendor
const PID: u16 = 0x0368; // Product

fn main() {
    let mut instr = Instrument::new(VID, PID);

    // Command Osciloscope
    instr.write("SELECT:CH1 1").unwrap();
    println!("Ask: {}", instr.ask("*IDN?").unwrap());

Multiple instruments

You are able to connect to multiple devices with same VID and PID by filtering them on Bus and Device entries from lsusb.

use rust_usbtmc::instrument::Instrument;

const VID: u16 = 0x0699; // Vendor
const PID: u16 = 0x0368; // Product

// Bus and Device settings of the first instrument
const FIRST_BUS: u8 = 0x01;
const FIRST_ADDRESS: u8 = 0x01;

// Bus and Device settings of the second instrument
const SECOND_BUS: u8 = 0x03;
const SECOND_ADDRESS: u8 = 0x02;

fn main() {
    // Select first specific Instrument.
    let mut instr1 = Instrument::new_filtered(VID, PID, FIRST_BUS, FIRST_ADDRESS);

    // Select second specific Instrument.
    let mut instr2 = Instrument::new_filtered(VID, PID, SECOND_BUS, SECOND_ADDRESS);

    // Execute commands on the first Instrument
    instr1.write("SELECT:CH1 1").unwrap();
    println!("Ask: {}", instr1.ask("*IDN?").unwrap());

    // Execute commands on the second Instrument
    instr2.write("SELECT:CH2 1").unwrap();
    println!("Ask: {}", instr2.ask("*IDN?").unwrap());

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