#hook #ci #travis

bin+lib travis-after-all

The missing after_all_success hook for Travis

2 stable releases

Uses old Rust 2015

2.0.0 Feb 5, 2017
1.0.0 Feb 2, 2016

#7 in #travis

34 downloads per month
Used in semantic-rs

MIT license

238 lines


Build Status

Check that all jobs in a build matrix run and succeeded and launch a single task afterwards.

Travis offers no way to launch a single task when all jobs in a build finish. Relevant issue: https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/929

Sometimes such a hook is necessary, for example to publish a new version of your project only once and only if all jobs succeed.

travis-after-all is a workaround for this and allows to wait for all jobs and then run a command afterwards. This is a port of the original Python script: https://github.com/dmakhno/travis_after_all


Documentation is available online.

CLI usage

You need to add the following lines to your .travis.yml. This installs the tool and executes as an after_success hook: (It will only work for Rust projects as it depends on Cargo, the Rust package manager)

  - |
     export PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH:$PATH &&
     cargo install --force travis-after-all

  - travis-after-all && echo "All fine, let's publish"

Library usage

You can use it as a library as well to build your own hooks:

use travis_after_all::Build;
let build_run = Build::from_env().unwrap();
if build_run.is_leader() {
    let _ = build_run.wait_for_others().unwrap();
    println!("Everything done. We can work here now.");


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.


~259K SLoC