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app tether-lidar2d-consolidation

Tether Lidar2D Consolidator Agent, Rust edition

6 releases

0.5.1 Nov 15, 2023
0.5.0 Nov 10, 2023
0.4.0 Nov 7, 2023
0.3.3 Nov 7, 2023

#2 in #tether

43 downloads per month

MIT license


Tether Lidar2D Consolidator, in Rust

This was originally a direct port of the original NodeJS Agent (here referred to as "the OG Agent" ✌️) into Rust 🦀. Some new features have now been added after v0.3.

The two main goals were

  • Learn to use Rust in a real-world application, following an existing codebase which was well known and where the fundamental engineering challenges had already been "solved"
  • Produce a usable version of the Lidar Consolidator Agent that was faster and lighter (e.g. on RAM) which could be deployed to lower-resource platforms (e.g. Raspberry Pi) without putting as much strain on the system

Easy install via Cargo

Since v0.3.1, you can install the binary via Cargo, ie.:

cargo install tether-lidar2d-consolidation

...and then run:


Command-line configuration

You can see a full list of available command-line arguments by appending --help onto your executing command, e.g. tether-lidar2d-consolidation --help (installed) or cargo run -- --help (development)

Options are deliberately made to be almost identical to those used in the OG Agent, with a few notable exceptions:

  • Here we use a flag --perspectiveTransform.includeOutside instead of setting a boolean ignoreOutside. This reflects the default usage better and makes more sense when using a flag (which defaults to false if not explicitly appended)
  • For Tether, you can optionally provide --tether.host, --tether.username, --tether.password if these differ from the defaults
  • There are no options relating to autoBroadcastConfig as there is no need for this behaviour; we save and (re)publish configuration essentially every time it changes, on startup and when requested

Dev dependencies

If you are compiling on your own system, Paho Eclipse MQTT has some (non-Rust) dependencies of its own. On Mac, you might need to the following:

brew install openssh cmake

And on Linux:

sudo apt install libssl-dev build-essential cmake

Notes on Libraries

MQTT Client

Initially we tried using mqtt-rs, as it seems relatively simple to use, but in the future mqttrs might be "better".

For now have settled on paho-mqtt since it seems well-supported and provides examples in realistic scenarios (especially async).

MessagePack encoding/decoding

rmp_serde is useful for both JSON and MsgPack serialisation/deserialisation. We might not be taking full advantage of zero-copy operations everywhere, but this will take a little more time to figure out.

In the beginning we tried msgpack-simple which warns that it is "not as performant as static solutions" but was much easier to use as a starting point.


We tried the library kddbscan, but although this may well be more "accurate" it seems to run far too slowly. In any case, this is a very different algorithm from the DBSCAN used in the OG Agent.

We then settled for the more humble (but apparently much more performant) petal-clustering. This in turn requires something called ndarray which seems very similar (and likely based on) numpy for Python.

For now, we use the DBSCAN method as per the OG Agent, but in future it might be worth tested the other supported mode in this library, HDbscan which may be faster still (see the paper).

Another possibility might be the library linfa-clustering.

JSON serialisation / deserialisation

We are using a combination of the libraries serde and serde_json which makes it easy to handle JSON in various ways - including strongly typed corresponding to Rust types/structs, which is what we need here in the case of our Config loading/saving.

Perspective transformation

We are attempting to do a "quad to quad projection" from the ROI to a normalised "square" output quad, similar to perspective-transform as per the OG Agent.

So far

Finally, used a combination of ndarray (which was already installed, to support the clustering calculations) and nalgebra.


We are using log and env-logger. Log level has been set to INFO by default, but can be overridden, for example by prefixing with an environment variable, e.g.

RUST_LOG=debug cargo run

Command-line configuration

We are using clap which does command-line argument parsing only (no use of files, environment variables, etc.)

Something like more-config could be useful, since it includes functionality similar to the rc package for NodeJS.

Some differences from OG version

  • There is no requestLlidarConfig Plug any more; the retain feature of MQTT is used to provide a persistent and up-to-date config for all clients
  • Smoothing is incorporated into this Agent; there is no need to run a separate tether-tracking-smooth agent any more
  • Zones for "presence detection" can be set up within this Agent

Useful resources


~720K SLoC