#ai #service #privacy #personal-assistant #axum-server #core

bin+lib terraphim_server

Terraphim service handling the core logic of the Terraphim AI

1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 1, 2024

#10 in #personal-assistant

Download history 120/week @ 2024-04-29

120 downloads per month



Contains (WOFF font, 160KB) dist/assets/fa-solid-900-9fc85f3a.woff2, (WOFF font, 120KB) dist/assets/fa-brands-400-3a8924cd.woff2, (WOFF font, 26KB) fa-regular-400-2bccecf0.woff2, (WOFF font, 5KB) fa-v4compatibility-4d4a2d7f.woff2

Axum Server for Terraphim AI

This is the Axum server for Terraphim AI. It is a simple server that serves /config and /search API endpoints.

Note: axum have it's own default/settings.toml file to configure the server depending on the device capabilities. it will copy default/settings.toml to ~/.config/terraphim/settings.toml if it doesn't exist on MacOS and Linux.

To build locally, run:

earthly +save-fe-local
cargo build


~1M SLoC