#pixel #fantasy-console #winit #draw #line #gpu #rectangle

yanked tear_gpu

Tear is a Rust library that enables you to create your own fantasy console using winit and pixels

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Nov 24, 2023

#19 in #pixels

31 downloads per month

MIT license

529 lines


Tear is a Rust library that enables you to create your own fantasy console using winit and pixels.

Quick Example ⚡

use tear8::*;

struct World;

fn main() {
    let world = World {};

        "Tear render",
        Point::new(300, 300), 
        Point::new(128, 128)

impl State for World {
    fn draw(&mut self, gpu: &mut Gpu, buffer: &mut [u8]) {

    fn update(&mut self) {

    fn input(&mut self, input: &mut Input) {

Attention ⚠

  • Unstable code: The code cannot be fully optimized.
  • Missing functions: You can draw pixels, rectangles and lines on the screen, but for now you cannot draw images, sounds and music.


  • Windowing:

    Use the "new()" function of the "Tear" structure to create a window, the first parameter is the window name, the second is the window size, and the third is buffer size. To compile everything use the "build(world)" function and insert a structure that implements the trait state to compile everything:

    use tear8::*;
    // Create struct world (main tear8 app loop)
    struct World;
    fn main() {
        // Init world
        let world = World {};
        // Create tear and build window
        // with Pixels and Winit
            "Tear render",
            // Point structure is a structure that contains
            // the parameters x and y which in this case are
            // the size of the window
            Point::new(300, 300), 
            Point::new(128, 128)
        ).build(world); // Build window
    impl State for World {
        // Draw fn
        // for update draw in the game
        fn draw(&mut self, gpu: &mut Gpu, buffer: &mut [u8]) {
        // Update fn
        // for update the game
        fn update(&mut self) {
        // Input fn
        // for input
        fn input(&mut self, input: &mut Input) {
  • Rendering

    • How to set background color

      Go to the "draw" function of your structure that implements the "state" trait like we did before and write this: Still in the draw function write this:

      // Set background color
      gpu.render_color(buffer, DARK_BLUE);

      The first parameter indicates where to set the background color, in the second you must enter the color.

    • How to draw a pixel on the screen:

      Still in the draw function write this:

      // Render pixel
      gpu.render_pixel(buffer, &Point::new(0, 0), WHITE);

      The first parameter indicates where to draw the pixel, in the second you have to enter the position and in the last there is the color.

    • How to draw a line on the screen:


      // Render line
          // Line struct
              // Start line point
              Point::new(0, 0), 
              // End line point
              Point::new(10, 10)

      As always, the first parameter indicates the buffer where the line must be drawn, the second must include the structure of the line and the last must include its color.

    • How to draw a rectangle on the screen:


        // Render rect
            &mut Rect::new(0, 0, 100, 100), 
            // Don't let it go off the screen

      The first parameter indicates where to draw the rectangle, in the second you must insert the rect structure which has x, y and width, height as parameters, while in the third parameter there is the color and in the last you choose whether or not to make it exit the screen

    • How to draw a other buffer on the screen:


        // Draw buffer in the main buffer
        gpu.render_buffer(main_buffer, other_buffer);

      In the first parameter there is the main buffer and in the second the buffer that must be drawn

  • Coming soon...


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