#hash #base64 #alias #minify #optimization


A very fast hasher that optimizes for small hash sizes

3 releases (stable)

1.0.1 Jun 27, 2022
1.0.0 Jun 24, 2022
0.1.0 Jun 24, 2022

#512 in Compression

MIT license

53 lines

What does this library do?

It exports the StringCompressor struct that can be used to create minimally compact, non-colliding, URL-safe, base-64 aliases for a set of strings. In simple terms, it's a very fast hasher that optimizes for small hash sizes.

When should I use this?

  • When you need to hash strings and need your hashed values to be as small as possible.
  • When you need hashed values to be safe for use in URLs and file names.
  • When you need to un-hash previously hashed strings.

When should I use something else?

  • When you need to uniquely hash more than 2^64 strings using a single instance. In the future, StringCompressor will support higher concurrently unique hashes.
  • When you need your hasher not to affect memory usage. In the future, StringCompressor will support a future flag that allows zero scaling in memory, at the expense of disallowing un-hashing.
  • When hashed values need to be transmitted and un-hashed by another program.

What characters can a hashed value contain?

  • Lowercase and uppercase alphabetical ASCII characters: a through z and A through Z
  • Numerical ASCII characters: 0 through 9
  • Dashes and underscores: - and _
  • Hashed values are un-padded to minimize size.

How can I use this in my own Rust project?

Add this crate as a dependency in you're Cargo.toml:


# Install from Crates.io
string_compressor = { version = "1.0.1" }

# OR install from GitHub Release
string_compressor = { git = "https://github.com/craigfay/string_compressor", tag = "v1.0.1" }

# OR install from GitHub Branch
string_compressor = { git = "https://github.com/craigfay/string_compressor", branch = "main"  }

