#vanity #address #stellar #cli #cli-tool #tool

bin+lib stellar_vanity

A simple CLI for generating Stellar vanity addresses

11 releases (breaking)

Uses old Rust 2015

0.9.0 Nov 23, 2021
0.8.0 May 24, 2020
0.7.1 May 13, 2020
0.6.0 Jan 23, 2020
0.3.0 Mar 31, 2018

#7 in #vanity

Custom license

186 lines

Stellar Vanity

A simple CLI tool to generate Stellar vanity addresses.

Vanity Address: similar to a vanity license plate, a vanity cryptocurrency address is an address where either the beginning (prefix) or end (postfix) is a special or meaningful phrase. Generating such an address requires work.


Benchmarking is performed by using criterion.rs via cargo bench, which executes the benches/benchmark.rs file.

How can I Benchmark?

Ah, thanks so much! I have limited computing power (if you do too... do not attempt, will likely be long and costly)

  1. git clone https://github.com/robertDurst/stellar-vanity-address-generator.git
  2. cd stellar-vanity-address-generator
  3. cargo bench

Benchmark Configurations:

  • as many threads as possible (see note below)
  • varied samples per method
  • 1 - 3 prefixes

Note: this uses num_cpus::get() from num_cpus to determine the maximum number of cores availible. If that is not desired, you'll have to dig in and set this number manually... or open a pr if you know how to pass CLI args to cargo bench :)

How to use library:

use stellar_vanity::vanity_key::AddressGenerator, deserialize_public_key};;

let mut generator: AddressGenerator = Default::default();
let keypair = generator.find(|key| {
    let public = deserialize_public_key(key);
    // any conditions go here
    public.as_str().ends_with("RUST") // e.g. find address with the "RUST" suffix

This will continuously loop until a key with the desired properties is found. Once the vanity address is found, a keypair will be returned, which may be deserialized with deserialize_public_key and deserialize_private_key respectively. Note, this is a synchronous function.

How to use CLI:

cargo run -- [--postfix=<POSTFIX>] [--prefix=<PREFIX>] [-c=<NUMBER_OF_THREADS>]

Either `--postfix` or `--prefix` option is required, while thread count is optional.

As an example, the following looks for an address ending in pizza with 8 threads:

cargo run -- -c=8 --postfix=pizza

The --prefix and --postfix options will search using RegEx expressions. You may need to enclose the expression in quotes when running from the command-line.

The following looks for an address ending in joe with a number before it, using 8 threads:

cargo run -- -c=8 --postfix='[0-9]joe'


~132K SLoC