#school #cli #time-management #edpuzzle

yanked solved

Solved, a proficient time management solution

0.1.0 Mar 16, 2021

#18 in #school

MPL-2.0 license

555 lines


Solved is still in early development. Its API will change as it reaches stability.

Solved is a tool designed for you to reach your maximum potential. No more waiting while a bunch of kids brew up some chemical in a laboratory, no more watching as a Señora Julio explains all about the preterite tense. As you are playing Minecraft with the boys, Solved will bend the laws of time and carefully, with extreme precision, solve your edpuzzle assignment.


There are multiple ways to install Solved:

From Github Releases

Pre-built binaries are available for 64-bit Windows, macOS, and Linux from the GitHub releases page.

From Source

You can build the latest release of Solved from crates.io:

cargo install solved

or build the latest and unstable work from the main branch:

cargo install --git https://github.com/ok-nick/solved


Getting the assignment id:

The assignment id is essential for Solved to configure your assignment, in order to retrieve this number, open the desired assignment and read the url.

Getting the authentication token:

The authentication token could be a little tricky to find, although there are numerous ways to retrieve it. It varies based on browser, but it is stored as a cookie on edpuzzle.com under the name, token.

Command Line Interface

For more information, run solved --help.

Required Options

  • --help, -h
    • Outputs help information for using solved.
  • --version, -V
    • Outputs version information of Solved.
  • --auth, -a
    • The authentication token used to access the assignment from your account.
  • --verbose, -v
    • Enables verbose logging. Can be specified up to two times for more in-depth verbosity.

solved show

Displays a list of all the answers with pretty colors :)


solved show <assignment-id> \
	--auth <auth-token>

solved answer

Answers multiple choice questions.


solved answer <assignment-id> \
	--auth <auth-token>
	--number <question-number>

Use the --number argument to answer a specific question number, with respect to notes and concurrent questions.

solved complete

Completes the entire assignment by skipping time and answering all questions.

NOTE: Skipping time and answering all questions are essential for automatic assignment completion. At this time Solved is unable to answer open-ended questions.


solved complete <assignment-id> \
	--auth <auth-token>

solved skip

Skips the entire video (unless otherwise specified), removing any time restrictions.


solved skip <assignment-id> \
	--auth <auth-token>
	--time <number>
	--index <number>

Use the --time argument to skip the video to the nearest time in seconds (rounds to the nearest 1/10th of the video's total duration).
For whatever reason, edpuzzle splits videos into 10 time frames. Using the --index argument, you could specify the time frame to skip to.

WARNING: The --time and --index arguments only skip up until the answers you've solved. Although this is not the case when skipping the entire assignment.


Solved is available under the terms of the Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for details.


~416K SLoC