#udp #p2p #tracker #server #client-server #service #sobani

app sobani-tracker

Sobani tracker server written in Rust, provide tracker service for Sobani users

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Apr 17, 2020

#49 in #tracker

MIT license

182 lines



Aim to set up a tracker server for sobani service and clients


Clone to your instance

git clone https://github.com/BlueCocoa/sobani-tracker-rust.git


cd sobani-tracker-rust
cargo build --release

Start server

cargo run --release

API Documentation



Announce action relates to the first connection from peer to server, within this action, a client send three parameters to tracker server in order to record and make the share action possible.

If sending is successful, an announced object will be returned.

Field Type Required Description
action string yes Fixed value, "announce"

Expected response from server:

  "action": "announced",
  "data": {
    "shareId": "1AbhoECj"


alive action meant to make maintaining the connection and the sharing session valid and possible by rapidly sending a packet to server to report the Alive state of the client. By doing this, server will store the session and shareId while the clients are alive, if a client stopped to send a packet, server will delete the related shareId and multiaddr it announced before. (Default expiration time will be 5 minutes)


Push action tells the server the unique shareId of the target client the peers shared. Tracker server respond with the IP:Port back to the requesting client, so on, the client can try to establish the connection between.

If sending is successful, a pushed message is returned.

Field Type Required Description
action string yes Fixed value, "push"
data dict yes The requestee's info

pushed data is demostrated below

Field Type Required Description
peeraddr string yes IP:Port
peerShareId string yes ShareId

Expected response from server:

  "action": "pushed",
  "data": {
    "peeraddr": "",
    "peerShareId": "1AbhoECj"

Also, the tracker will send an income message to the requestee

Field Type Required Description
action string yes Fixed value, "income"
data dict yes The requestor's info

income data is demostrated below

Field Type Required Description
peeraddr string yes IP:Port
peerShareId string yes ShareId

Expected income message from server:

  "action": "income",
  "data": {
    "peeraddr": "",
    "peerShareId": "1AbhoECj"



Field Type Required Description
action string yes Fixed value, "announced"
data dict yes
announced data
Field Type Required Description
shareId string yes shareId generated by server side


Field Type Required Description
action string yes Fixed value, "pushed"
data dict yes
pushed data
Field Type Required Description
peeraddr string yes IP:Port
peerShareId string yes ShareId


Field Type Required Description
action string yes Fixed value, "income"
data dict yes
income data
Field Type Required Description
peeraddr string yes IP:Port
peerShareId string yes ShareId


~305K SLoC