#snappy #framing #decompression #compressor #deflate #decompressor

yanked snzip

Snappy / Snzip framing format Read/Write

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.0 May 25, 2015

#5 in #decompressor

WTFPL license

262 lines

Snappy framing format read and write

This is a rust implementation of Snappy framing format. It provides rust std::io friendly Read and Write wrappers to stream to and from .sz files.

The snappy library is assumed to be present on the system, but snzip command-line is not required: this reimplements the framing format in pure rust.


Make sure snappy is installed.

Add snzip to your Cargo project:

snzip = "*"

Mimicks snzip -d (decompress stdin to stdout).

let mut dec = snzip::framing::Decompressor::new(io::stdin());
io::copy(&mut dec, &mut io::stdout()).unwrap();

Mimicks snzip (compress stdin to stdout).

let mut dec = snzip::framing::Compressor::new(io::stdin());
io::copy(&mut dec, &mut io::stdout()).unwrap();

There is a fast option to be set on the decompressor. It will ignore checksums and get about 10% faster (YMMV). It is off by default.


Copyright © 2015 Your Name <mathieu@poumeyrol.fr>
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2,
as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING file for more details.


~104K SLoC