SharedChild is used at run time in 204 crates (of which 26 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 16 crates. It's used at build time in 30 crates (of which 10 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 79 crates (of which 1 directly).

Number of dependers SharedChild version Downloads/month
302 1.0.0 363K
11 0.3.5 9.2K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) SharedChild version
315K 147 duct ^1.0.0
143K 107 tauri optional ^1.0
17K 2 tauri-plugin-shell ^1
10K 1 tauri-cli ^1.0
250 ya-utils-process ^0.3.4
roundqueue ^0.3.2
1 gosh-runner ^0.3
1 amnion-backend ^1.0.0
ytdlp-gui ^1.0.0
millennium-cli ^1.0
clevert ^1.0.0
amnion ^1.0.0
3 common_uu optional ^1
git-cinnabar optional ^1.0
lucas-test optional ^1.0
millennium optional ^1.0
1.1K proto_cli dev ^1.0.0