2 unstable releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.2.0 Feb 6, 2017
0.1.0 Jan 26, 2017

#8 in #gles

35 downloads per month
Used in 4 crates (2 directly)

MIT license


Deprecated: I am not using this anymore, therefor it might only serve as a reference to re-implement something similar for current versions of piston.

opengles_graphics Build Status Crates.io Crates.io

An OpenGL ES 2D back-end for the Piston game engine

Maintainers: @drakulix Regulary updated fork of PistonDevelopers/opengl_graphics


OpenGL ES needs to load function pointers before use. If you are experiencing strange error messages like "X not loaded" this is likely the case. To do this, see the README in gl-rs

The necessary GL interface is exposed under opengles_graphics::gl. Currently only supportes GLSL Version 100 & GL ES Version 2.0.

Contributions welcome


Shaders for 2D graphics backends.

Piston supports different backends for 2D using various APIs. Since these backends uses the same shader code, it makes sense to share them through a common library to simplify maintenance.

No runtime deps