1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 20, 2021

#860 in Authentication


207 lines


Load secrets from multiple locations

secret-loader provides a SecretLoader type that can load a SecretString from an environment variable, a file, or directly as a String. The intended use case is to remove hard-coded credentials in configuration files and replace them with hints on how an application should load the secret instead. E.g. updating the following TOML configuration file:

username = "alice"
key = "somecrazypassword"

username = "bob"
key = "hello123"

With the following configuration file instead:

username = "alice"
key = "env:ALICE_SECRET_KEY"

username = "bob"
key = "file:/home/bob/.auth_token"

Optional Features

secret-loader currently implements the following feature flags:

Feature Name Description
serde Enable automatic deserialization of a SecretLoader


This project is available under the terms of either the Apache 2.0 license or the MIT license.

This project's documentation is adapted from The Rust Programming Language, which is available under the terms of either the Apache 2.0 license or the MIT license.

