#scalar #map #type #arc-mutex

macro scalar_map_derive

derive for scalar_map

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Nov 28, 2023

#15 in #arc-mutex

21 downloads per month
Used in scalar_map

MIT license



map for scalar types.

let num: Option<i32> = Some(42);
assert_eq!(num.map(|x| 42 - x), Some(0));

let num: i32 = 42;
assert_eq!(num.map(|x| 42 - x), 0);

let num: Option<i32> = Some(42);
assert_eq!(num.and_then(Option::Some), Some(0));

let num: i32 = 42;
assert_eq!(num.and_then(Option::Some), Some(0));

What does it solve

  • You can still keep map and and_then intact even if Option is refactored out.

  • You want


    ...instead of


Custom struct


# Run this to add the `derive` feature
cargo add scalar_map --features derive
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, ScalarMap)]
struct MyNum(i32);

let num = MyNum(42);
assert_eq!(num.map(|x| 42 - x.0).map(MyNum), MyNum(0));

Without deriving

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct MyNum(i32);
impl ScalarMapExt for MyNum {}

let num = MyNum(42);
assert_eq!(num.map(|x| 42 - x.0).map(MyNum), MyNum(0));


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