rustc_version_runtime is used at run time in 186 crates (of which 35 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 22 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 9 crates.

Number of dependers rustc_version_runtime version Downloads/month
6 0.3.0 2.7K
167 0.2.1 116K
22 0.1.5 2.5K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) rustc_version_runtime version
114K 178 mongodb ^0.2.1
4.2K 17 amethyst ^0.2.0
1.0K 1 medic ^0.3.0
800 antithesis_sdk ^0.3
170 actix-treblle ^0.2.1
110 yunoss ^0.3
PowerSession ^0.2.1
square-api-client ^0.2.1
squareup ^0.3.0
qiniu-ng ^0.1.5
1 qiniu-with-libcurl ^0.1.5
backtraceio ^0.2
square-rust ^0.2.1
holiday_event_api ^0.2
gitarena ^0.2.0
stall ^0.1
delta-sharing ^0.1
2 sardonyx ^0.1
pokedex_rs ^0.3.0
stall-rs ^0.1
1 caveman ^0.2.1
320 newton_rootfinder optional ^0.2