#rectangle #weight #algorithm #ratio #aspect #divide #dividing


A rectangle dividing algorithm written in Rust

4 releases

0.1.3 Nov 10, 2023
0.1.2 Nov 9, 2023
0.1.1 Nov 9, 2023
0.1.0 Nov 9, 2023

#225 in WebAssembly

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


A library of rectangle dividing written in Rust. It can be compiled to WebAssembly. So you can use it in JavaScript.


I want to divide a rectangle into smaller rectangles by given conditions (weights, aspect ratio, etc.).

Mainly, I want to use this for generating a map for my react-playground


import dividing from "rust-rectangle-dividing";

const rect = { x: 0, y: 0, w: 900, h: 800 };
const weights = [4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1];
const divided = dividing.dividing(rect, weights, true, 1.5, true);
for (const d of divided) {


{ x: 0, y: 0, w: 600, h: 400 }
{ x: 0, y: 400, w: 600, h: 400 }
{ x: 600, y: 600, w: 300, h: 200 }
{ x: 600, y: 400, w: 300, h: 200 }
{ x: 600, y: 200, w: 300, h: 200 }
{ x: 600, y: 0, w: 300, h: 200 }

dividing's arguments are

  • rect: The rectangle to be divided
  • weights: The weights of each rectangle
  • isVertical: The direction of the first division
  • aspectRatio: The aspect ratio of each rectangle
  • boustrophedon: The direction of the next division in the same level




~41K SLoC