#github-api #user #learn #repository

nightly rust-github

Rust based library for interacting with the Github v3 API

2 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.1 Mar 20, 2015
0.1.0 Mar 20, 2015

#53 in #github-api

MIT license

119 lines

Rust Github

Rust based library for interacting with the Github API. This is just a practice library while I learn how to write Rust libraries / applications.


Get a user

This request will return a single github::users::User struct.

extern crate "rust-github" as github;

use github::Github;

fn main() {
    let github = Github::new();
    let user = github.users.get("octocat");
    println!("Name: {:?}", user.name);
    println!("Email: {:?}", user.email);
    println!("Location: {:?}", user.location);

Get all repositories by user

Get a list of repositories by user, exposes a Vec<github::repositories::Repository>.

let github = Github::new();
let repositories = github.repositories.by_user("octocat");
for repo in repositories.iter() {
    println!("{:?}", repo.name);


~329K SLoC