#monitor #watcher #command #directory-recursively

app run-when

A simple binary that watches filesystem and runs a given executable in a debounced way

4 stable releases

1.0.3 Jul 9, 2022

#1496 in Filesystem

Custom license

65 lines


Monitor filesystem for changes and run a specific executable some time after the changes are announced.


run-when --help
run-when 1.0.0
Aalekh Patel
Run a (debounced) command upon changes to the filesystem.

    run-when [OPTIONS] --file <FILE> --command-file <COMMAND_FILE>

    -c, --command-file <COMMAND_FILE>
            An executable to run once a change is detected

    -f, --file <FILE>
            The file/directory to watch. If a directory is specified, will watch all files in it
            (but not recursively, unless -r is also specified)

    -h, --help
            Print help information

    -r, --recursive
            Whether to watch a directory recursively

    -t, --debounce-period <DEBOUNCE_PERIOD>
            The debounce period (i.e. wait for a duration of X before running the specified
            executable) [default: 600ms]

    -V, --version
            Print version information


  • Watch the src directory for changes and once every 600ms run the build script stored in build.sh.

Suppose the contents of build.sh are:


cargo build --release

Then we can run the following to start a watcher on the src directory and all children files recursively.

run-when --file src --recursive --command-file ./build.sh


~176K SLoC