2 releases

0.1.1 Feb 22, 2024
0.1.0 Feb 21, 2024

#72 in Template engine


562 lines


this is a wip overhaul for my static site generator, roxy. it technically works but it's very rough around the edges.


it's not a published crate yet so you have to compile it for now, sorry



Roxy will read each file from INPUT for valid files. It will look for toml for data and md, html, or tera for layout an content files. toml data is loaded into an object and given to content files (which can be used as variables with Tera placeholders). The content files will be processed first as Markdown, then as a Tera template. The output of this process will write to OUTPUT, preserving the original path (relative to INPUT).


Currently, Roxy only has two configuration keys

# config.toml
slug_word_limit = 8 # the max word limit for a slug

theme = "base16-ocean.dark" # the name of the theme for syntax highlighting
theme_dir = "./themes" # directory to load themes into syntect


~324K SLoC